
“I Have A Dream…”

By Marc Comtois | January 17, 2005 | Comments Off on “I Have A Dream…”

Today the nation honors the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and I think it proper to post some excerpts from King’s “I Have A Dream” speech. (It can be read in its entirety here). It is an inspirational piece in which King called upon our nation’s heritage, both political and religious, to justify…

Essence Magazine Makes a Stand

By Marc Comtois | January 5, 2005 |

On Monday Stanley Crouch broke the story that the popular Essence magazine was taking on the omnipresent oversexualized and slutty portrayal of black women in hip-hop music and videos. Through dialogue and discussion, they hope to raise awareness and, hopefully, “Take Back the Music.” When asked how the magazine decided to take a stand, the…

The Meaning of “Tolerance”

By | December 26, 2004 |

Each of two recent articles on the troubles in the Netherlands contained interesting quotes on the long-term impact of multiculturism. There is a warning for America in these words as they highlight the ongoing confusion over the meaning of “tolerance.” A quote in the first article said: …tolerance became a pretext for not addressing problems……

The Naked Public Square Revisited, Part III

By Donald B. Hawthorne | December 21, 2004 | Comments Off on The Naked Public Square Revisited, Part III

After pulling together the two previous postings of The Naked Public Square Revisited, Parts I & II, I returned home this weekend to find the December 27 issue of National Review with its cover article entitled “Secularism & Its Discontents.” In the article, Ramesh Ponnuru offers some further insights into the debate about the public…

The Naked Public Square Revisited, Part II

By | December 18, 2004 |

This posting is the second part of a discussion that began with an earlier posting and is related to two previous postings about liberal fundamentalism and the American Founding. Richard John Neuhaus wrote a book entitled The Naked Public Square: Religion & Democracy in America. First published in 1984, it addressed societal trends and the…