Democrats on the March

A water drop and ripples

Oh, Democrats have a plan for you, alright.

By Justin Katz | September 12, 2024 |

Something more like a cookbook or plantation.  I’ve heard complaints that conservatives have “no plan for you” — or “no vision for what the town should be” — repeatedly over the years, and I think it’s the most disturbing complaint progressives make. Chris Rufo articulates my view: Where do I see the town, state, or…

A crowd argues and riots in a large, dark hall

What should we conclude from Attorney General Neronha’s support for historical violence against police?

By Justin Katz | September 12, 2024 |

Democrats’ acceptance of violence from their own partisans, especially labor unions, is a major warning sign that they’ll turn away when it happens again in the future, but it’s especially disconcerting to see Attorney General Peter Neronha celebrating violence against police officers: If I seem to be exaggerating, it’s only because I’m not accepting as…

A water drop and ripples

Yes, the Republican North Smithfield School Committee candidate’s comment on Tim Walz’s son is uncomfortable.

By Justin Katz | September 11, 2024 |

But we have to be wary of the political whipsaw.  Evan Masse’s tweet was dumb and insensitive, but his practical problem was that he was caught up in what we might call a Democrat call for evidence. It would be a very normal reaction to pause upon seeing Walz’s son at the Democrat National Convention…

A water drop and ripples

Mark Steyn asks a question about elections many of us are pondering.

By Justin Katz | September 9, 2024 |

Observing the lack of media curiosity about who runs the country while Joe Biden takes weeks of vacations, Steyn asks: If that question is of no interest to the media or the majority of the American people, then what is the point of being breathless with excitement over a two-year presidential election campaign? Or even…

A water drop and ripples

Trump at Arlington is a good lesson in progressive pathology.

By Justin Katz | September 9, 2024 |

Note how progressive Democrats have framed the universe, as Sunny observes: As always, people who disagree with progressives are abusing power when they do anything to their own advantage, but progressives are never abusing power when they do whatever it takes to win.  Keep an eye out for this dynamic especially when it comes to…

A water drop and ripples

The yard sign connection to mail ballots is terrifying.

By Justin Katz | September 3, 2024 |

In the heat of the battle, political controversies over yard signs can become an almost comedic proxy for heated disagreements.  I’ve seen people in the heat of a busy campaign drop everything to do battle with people stealing the yard signs of the other side or placing their own signs on property where they aren’t…

A water drop and ripples

You can tell we’ve inadequately educated our population about fascism…

By Justin Katz | August 27, 2024 |

… by the discomfiting fascist, Orwellian tone of this campaign from supposed good-government-group Common Cause RI:   It’s bad enough on its face, but it’s worse when you break down the manipulative message. First, Common Cause wants you to believe that you can instantly identify “disinformation about voting.” Next, the organization asserts that you have…

A water drop and ripples

Progressivism/socialism start with inhuman principles.

By Justin Katz | August 26, 2024 |

I mean the title of this post in the sense both that progressivism/socialism ignores human nature and that it pretends people aren’t human.  Consider: The underlying assumption appears to be that producers will simply produce because they are producers.  Human beings don’t fall into nice progressive categories.  We make decisions and change our status, and…

Men walk away from a broken model of the RI State House

Politics This Week: By Their Accountability Will You Know Them

By Justin Katz | August 26, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz expose the underlying connections in RI politics.

A water drop and ripples

Here’s a partial standard for judging “they’ll end democracy” claims.

By Justin Katz | August 24, 2024 |

Whether you think Mark Smith’s reasoning here is dead-on, insane, or somewhere in between, an element is important to consider: Namely, he’s not just stating dislike and projecting an action, á la “Trump will end democracy.”  He’s offering actual policy steps by which Democrats could achieve that end. The same can’t be done in reverse…