As one who graduated from the University of Rhode Island almost — amazingly — a decade ago, I’m not surprised that the school is considered to be a good deal: The cost of attending the University of Rhode Island is going up, but the editors at one financial magazine say it’s still a bargain —…
An interesting juxtaposition of “role-model” attitude appears in Bob Kerr’s column from yesterday. On one hand: The kid eagerly raised his hand at the back of the room at the Lincoln Middle School. He had the answer. “A condom,” he said. Right he was. A condom is the safe way. Abstinence is probably not going…
[BUMP] UPDATE: Mayor Avedisian called Dan Yorke and unequivocally stated that there was a concerted effort on the part of the school maintenance union (WISE) to not come to work. The union president is claiming that 11 of the 15 people involved didn’t get a phone call from the school administration. Avedisian stated that, phone…
Michael Barone of U.S News and World Report has an interesting capsule history of how labor/management relations through the 20th Century have brought the U.S. auto industry to where it is today…Mickey Kaus, pretty much alone among the commentators I’ve been reading, indicts “Wagner Act unionism” for the decline and fall of the U.S. auto…
I’m sure there are arguments that it’s financially efficient. That it preserves human capital. That it’s better than alternatives. But when all th talking is done, this is just outrageous: They left the state college system in droves in recent months to avoid paying more for their health insurance or losing it entirely, and they…
My response to Richard Joslin made it into this week’s print edition of the Sakonnet Times (as did TCC President David Nelson’s), and I’m sure it’ll spark an angry response or two from unionists. Who knows but that ringleader Crowley will pen a guest letter from across the state. Given the extent of his so-called…
Considering everything, Arne Duncan looks like a decent selection for Education Secretary. Dan Lips explains: Mr. Duncan is known as one of a handful of innovative, reform-minded big city schools chiefs. How that will translate to the national level remains to be seen. Conservatives should be heartened that Mr. Duncan recognizes the need for local…
So, over about seven years, Robert Felner, a director of an independent center at the University of Rhode Island, was apparently able to siphon $1.7 million in funding away from its intended purpose: Two months after a former administrator at the University of Rhode Island was indicted on 10 federal fraud charges, URI officials say…
As East Bay scribe can attest who’s spent a late-night hour or two trimming words and sentences from a letter to make it of acceptable length, the Sakonnet Times has a 500-word limit on missives. Yet, by the time Richard Joslin got around, last week, to challenging Tiverton Citizens for Change (TCC) to “prove they…
Here’s a mild head-shaker of a story on page A12 of today’s Providence Journal: … when he retired in June at the age of 75, the [Rhode Island College] gave [former President John] Nazarian something back: a $205,008 severance check. The check included $67,890 for unused vacation time, $31,366 for unused sick time and $29,902…