
A horde of cult members worships the RI State House as the city burns

Politics This Week: RI’s Unshakable Faith in Government

By Justin Katz | December 17, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review the growing list of reasons RI should question giving government more authority.

An old politician pardons his son with a magic wand

Politics This Week: Whom Do They Think They’re Kidding?

By Justin Katz | December 3, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz review political news from the state and nation.

A boy makes faces at a group of happy children

Politics This Week: He Knows They Are, but What Is He?

By Justin Katz | November 19, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz evaluate the landscape for Democrat RI.

A Republican cruise ship leaves a Democrat lifeboat behind

Politics This Week: RI Left Behind

By Justin Katz | November 12, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the prospects for the Ocean State after a full Republican sweep in D.C.

A coyote sets a trap with a fake tunnel and "Racist" sign

Politics This Week: How to Catch an RI Democrat

By Justin Katz | May 28, 2024 |

On WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss: Pawtucket employee gets the red R Providence students on a union string Amo’s vote for illegal alien voting CRMC and prosecutorial government Bad times, disapproving, but still voting Biden Diossa enjoys the perks of office Big money to promote racial division in state government…

A water drop and ripples

A reminder for Republicans about immigrants.

By Justin Katz | May 1, 2024 |

They can be won, as James Brooke suggests in the The Sun: In the latest sign of a rightward swing of the pendulum in Latin America, voters in Ecuador opted overwhelmingly for tough anti-crime measures, including joint army and police patrols against cocaine gangs. Ecuador is only one example. This reminder does not mean the…

A water drop and ripples

Are these the consequences of sanctuary state policies?

By Justin Katz | April 15, 2024 |

This seems kind of like an important story, but despite some weeks, I’ve seen nothing on it elsewhere: The problem with our current media situation is that, whether Callahan’s assessment about sanctuary state policies is fair or not, we know for a certainty that we’ll only ever hear that it is not fair from the…

A giant mime shushes an empty legislative chamber

Politics This Week: RI’s Code of Silence

By Justin Katz | March 11, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz explore various subjects about which journalists aren’t free to be clear.

Ticket booth outside a circus sideshow tent

Politics This Week: State of Distraction

By Justin Katz | March 4, 2024 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the ways in which Rhode Island’s political elites distract and mislead the public.

A water drop and ripples

One undeniable fact about the huge influx of illegal immigrants…

By Justin Katz | February 28, 2024 |

… is that we, the People, are being manipulated. Of course, we should be clear.  The contribution of illegal immigration is not the entire 3.8M, which also includes whatever increase there would have been, if any.  (Presumably, immigration could prove to had made up for what otherwise would have been a decrease.)  We also should…