
The Illegal Immigration Bill

By Donald B. Hawthorne | May 20, 2007 |

The Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007. More on how to read/comment on the bill. Anybody want to guess on how many senators will have read this bill closely before the public debate starts early in the new week? With H/T to Instapundit and thanks for NZ Bear for the good…

And, Just In Case You Weren’t Already Upset Enough…Part 2

By Donald B. Hawthorne | May 20, 2007 |

Discussing the illegal immigrant tax issue highlighted in an earlier post, Mark Steyn – once again – says it better than anyone else: I always thought the requirement in last year’s bill was pretty sweet: You had to pay two out of three years’ back taxes. Most legal Americans would love that deal: Pay any…

And, Just In Case You Weren’t Already Upset Enough…

By Donald B. Hawthorne | May 20, 2007 |

Another disgusting piece of information about the US Senate bill on illegal immigration trickles out: The Bush administration insisted on a little-noticed change in the bipartisan Senate immigration bill that would enable 12 million undocumented residents to avoid paying back taxes or associated fines to the Internal Revenue Service, officials said. An independent analyst estimated…

Simply Irresponsible

By Donald B. Hawthorne | May 19, 2007 |

Forget for a minute the philosophical and policy objections to the new illegal immigration bill before the US Senate. Consider how the Senate debate on this enormously important matter is being rushed, as noted by Senator DeMint: The Senate is scheduled to begin debate on the immigration plan this Monday, and yet we still haven’t…

Illegal Immigration Bill: The Bush/Kennedy Bill is a Disaster in the Making

By Donald B. Hawthorne | May 18, 2007 |

Another U.S. Senate bill on illegal immigration, another disaster in the making. Michelle Malkin is doing her usual good work summarizing thoughts and reactions about the Senate’s new bill. See here and here. (And now here.) Sometimes there is no need to invent new thoughts when prior thoughts say it all: This morning’s publication of…

“Anchor Babies” and RIte Care

By Marc Comtois | April 9, 2007 |

Froma Harrop calls attention to the problem that “Anchor Babies” (some consider the term to be a perjorative, incidentally) pose for immigration reform and enforcement. Pregnant women routinely arrive in the United States in time to give birth and thereby obtain Social Security numbers for their babies — and with them, permanent entrée into American…

Elaborating on MacKay’s Immigration History

By Marc Comtois | April 2, 2007 |

Scott MacKay’s immigration piece in the Sunday ProJo was a good piece of historical writing. However, and inevitably, it will be used by some as proof for their arguments in the contemporary illegal immigrant debate. Namely that the U.S. has “historically” allowed all immigrants, whether illegal or not. My first thought after reading the piece…

ACLU et al: Stop Profiling…and by the way, Don’t Enforce Immigration Laws

By Marc Comtois | March 20, 2007 |

H 5237, promoted by the ACLU and the Rhode Island Civil Rights Roundtable and sponsored by Reps. Almeida, Diaz, Ajello, Handy, and Slater, will create the “Immigration Status Protection Act” and change the “Racial Profiling Prevention Act” of 2004. It is a true gem of self-contradiction. But I’ll get to that. First, though, as the…

The Proof is in the Pudding: Americans DO Want “Those” Jobs

By Marc Comtois | March 19, 2007 |

I had heard last week that the recently-raided M. Bianco plant in New Bedford had opened it’s doors to applicants and that they were mobbed. As Mark Krikorian reminds, this is just another example that undercuts the claim that illegal immigrants do the jobs Americans won’t do. After the Swift meatpacking raids in Greeley. Colo.,…

Brien’s Bill A No-Brainer

By Marc Comtois | March 15, 2007 |

Woonsocket Rep. Jon Brien’s bill (which AR took note of here) requiring Rhode Island businesses to utilize the Feds “Basic Pilot Program” to determine if an employee can work in the U.S. legally is a good idea. In a hearing on it yesterday, Brien explained: Brien said he is trying to reflect his constituents’ wishes…