Marriage & Family

Government and Society

By Justin Katz | September 12, 2009 |

Robert George offers an important basis for emphasis here, but there’s an important inward extension to his description of the law: The law is a teacher. It will teach either that marriage is a reality in which people can choose to participate, but whose contours people cannot make and remake at will, or it will…

When She Chooses the Scarlet Letter

By Justin Katz | September 9, 2009 |

Oft overlooked, at the end of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, is Hester Prynne’s resistance to calls for her to become a sort of feminist messiah. Having turned toward prudence, she suggests that the archetypal woman will not conquer through deviancy, but through fulfillment of her feminine character. A recent letter from Don Rittman of…

Living Together as Stall Technique

By Justin Katz | September 3, 2009 |

Here’s an interesting check on received wisdom: It seems to many like the sensible thing to do: Move in with your boyfriend or girlfriend, spend more time together, save money by splitting the rent and see if you can share a bathroom every morning without wanting to kill each other. … [Scott] Stanley, a University…

Silencing “Sectarian Extremists”

By Justin Katz | September 3, 2009 |

Dan Yorke has posted his conversation with gay activist Susan Heroux, who has been calling on the governor to withdraw from a speaking engagement with the Massachusetts Family Institute. Yesterday, Dan raised the issue with Governor Carcieri. In between, RI Democrat Party Chairman Bill Lynch called in to discuss his press release proclaiming Carcieri a…

Civil Unions for All Means All Under the Government

By Justin Katz | September 1, 2009 |

Dan Yorke hosted an interesting conversation this afternoon on WPRO regarding the manufactured controversy over Governor Carcieri’s plans to speak at an event hosted by the Massachusetts Family Institute. I’ve asked Dan to post the audio of his interview with Susan Heroux on his PodCast page, and I’m hoping to procure the audio of my…

An Attack on Legal Representation

By Justin Katz | August 24, 2009 |

I hadn’t heard of this (or don’t remember having heard of it) before reading Maggie Gallagher’s recent summary of the battle over same-sex marriage: When word spread at Harvard Law School last month that one of the most successful recruiters of its graduates, Ropes & Gray, was helping Catholic Charities explore ways to prevent same-sex…

Ending a Long History, I Guess

By Justin Katz | August 18, 2009 |

Here’s a bizarre explanation for Blount Fine Foods’ pulling sponsorship from the traditional marriage event on Sunday: Corporate philanthropy and good citizenship has been part of Blount’s mission since inception. In keeping with that, we have a long track record of donating Blount-brand chowder and other products to all non-profits in our home area that…

The Daily Advocate

By Justin Katz | August 17, 2009 |

The Providence Journal outdoes itself with a much attenuated version of this AP filing. The Projo splashes the headline and lead: Fighting gay marriage hurts Mormon image Observers say the church’s heavy-handed intervention into California politics will linger and has left the faith’s image tarnished. What observers does the article cite? The organizer of a…

NOM Marriage Picnic

By Justin Katz | August 16, 2009 |

Conservatives in this state must share a certain apprehension as they drive to ideologically tinted events — hoping that somebody shows up, but not the wrong people, and maybe it’ll be an indication of our powerlessness, but what if we have to prove ourselves in front of a one-time crowd… Well, tea parties aside, the…

A Thread Through Culture-War Stories

By Justin Katz | July 31, 2009 |

In response to my reservations about grand preening in celebration of a “counter protest” that exponentially outnumbered the mentally feeble Phelps family whom it targeted, commenter Chris offered the following: I approve of both the reporting, and the action. I like the idea that 1) our kids have learned to spot human junk, and react…