National Politics

Pollster Rasmussen on State of the GOP

By Marc Comtois | April 28, 2009 |

Pollster Scott Rasmussen offers this analysis of the current state of the national GOP (h/t): Many Republicans had expressed concern about the growth of government spending throughout the Bush years. Then there was the immigration issue. On that topic, the Bush team championed a bill that was even less popular than the bailouts. Eventually, despite…

Comfort Means Your Eyes Are Down

By Justin Katz | April 26, 2009 |

A few days ago, Associated Press writer Liz Sidoti issued perhaps the most disturbing bit of “journalism” in recent memory: It didn’t take long for Barack Obama — for all his youth and inexperience — to get acclimated to his new role as the calming leader of a country in crisis. “I feel surprisingly comfortable…

Can’t Blame Bush Forever

By Marc Comtois | April 20, 2009 |

The Washington Post’s Jackson Diehl makes an observation and then wonders… New American presidents typically begin by behaving as if most of the world’s problems are the fault of their predecessors — and Barack Obama has been no exception. In his first three months he has quickly taken steps to correct the errors in George…

Obama, Budget Cutter?

By Justin Katz | April 20, 2009 |

Following a week of tea party rallies that the president professes to have barely noticed, a couple stories in today’s Providence Journal suggest some modest attempts to puncture his big-spending image. Considering that some banks have suggested that they’d like to return bailout money to the feds, it isn’t surprising that the administration thinks more…

Giving Whitehouse an Easy Go

By Justin Katz | April 18, 2009 |

Although Arlene Violet subsequently whacked him with a great question about using stimulus money to suppress changes to teachers’ healthcare benefits, I’m very disappointed that the Newsmakers gang let Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse ramble on with this partisan mumbo-jumbo for three minutes: I think it’s sort of an ironic moment on this subject, and particularly to…

Providence, RI, Tax Day Tea Party Speech

By Justin Katz | April 16, 2009 |

Stream, Download This is one of those times in history when a society must make a decision. Social commentators of the near future will say one of two things about us: If we fail to be heard, then these tea parties, these expressions of outrage across the nation, are the final lunge of a fading…

The One’s Direction of the Mob

By Justin Katz | April 13, 2009 |

Peter Schwartz tallies some recent indicators of political mood: The essence of mob rule is arbitrary and unchecked force, in disregard of all rights. If so, then when the government spends our money with virtually no limits — then trillions of dollars are gleefully disbursed through unrestrained horse-trading and arm-twisting among members of Congress —…

Congressman Langevin Should Tell Us What He Means

By Justin Katz | April 13, 2009 |

Given its title, I had hoped for some blogworthy meat in Rep. James Langevin’s Sunday op-ed, “U.S. needs more control over Internet,” but having read the thing, I’d be hard pressed to describe what he’s proposing. The reader gets this at the beginning: A NEWLY INTRODUCED Senate bill, the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, which would…

A Crucial Matter of Support

By Justin Katz | April 11, 2009 |

Thanks to reader donations and advertising sponsorship, I’ll be able to take Wednesday afternoon off from work in order to attend, blog from, and speak at the RI Tea Party, from three to six on April 15th. Most people, to be sure, don’t keep a little pot of money on the side to enable involvement…

Chris Dodd Picks Up an Opponent

By Monique Chartier | March 29, 2009 |

It’s much too early for such polling to be accurate. So let’s disregard the one point lead that Rob Simmons already has on Senator Chris “Sweetheart Mortgage” Dodd – plus we may jinx Mr. Simmon’s chances – and focus instead on his positions. From today’s Westerly Sun. If he were in the Senate now, he…