National Politics

Arizona Asserting Sovereignty

By Justin Katz | February 19, 2009 |

Of all the notions that spread from state to state, wouldn’t this be a breath of fresh air? Whereas, the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States…

Two Explanations for Mark Patinkin

By Justin Katz | February 17, 2009 |

Mark Patinkin’s bullet-list-style column, today, makes two quips that, helpful soul that I am, I’ll try to answer: Someone will have to explain to me why Palestinian militants feel it’s productive to keep firing rockets into Israel. Because, receiving no substantial international backlash against the practice, the terrorists wish to provoke Israel into military action,…

Gregg Rejects Obama Census Grab

By Marc Comtois | February 13, 2009 |

New Hampshire Senator Jud Gregg removed himself from consideration as Commerce secretary. While his disagreement over the “stimulus” package may be the main reason–his stand on principle–the shenanigans that the Obama Administration is engaged in with the 2010 Census may have been the final straw. John Fund recently explained the danger with having the White…

Forbes: America’s Two Nations

By Marc Comtois | February 9, 2009 |

Forbes magazine examines the difference between America’s private and public sector (H/T): In public-sector America things just get better and better. The common presumption is that public servants forgo high wages in exchange for safe jobs and benefits. The reality is they get all three. State and local government workers get paid an average of…

At Least Our Goof Isn’t Our Goof

By Justin Katz | February 8, 2009 |

Can we pause for a moment and be thankful for one thing — that this guy is a Democrat? Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse said earlier, as the moderates struggled to complete their deal, “I couldn’t care less about bipartisanship.” Whitehouse said getting an economic pump-priming bill passed quickly was more important than drawing Republican support. The…

Challenging the socialistic onslaught

By Donald B. Hawthorne | February 7, 2009 |

As Obama, Pelosi and Reid accelerate the implementation of socialistic practices in America – building on what Bush started – it is helpful and necessary to reacquaint ourselves with fundamental economic principles and some specific significant issues animating today’s public debate. FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES The 17-blog post series below was originally put together in 2006…

To the Victor Go…

By Justin Katz | February 1, 2009 |

As he often does, Jonah Goldberg captures something almost intangible, but true, with this: Ramesh asked yesterday: “I’m not quite sure why so many liberals are spluttering with rage over the Republicans’ failure to go along with their stimulus ideas.” He then went on to provide perfectly rational explanations for why liberals should still be…

A Very Brief Capsule Analysis of the RNC Chairman’s Race

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 30, 2009 |

One thought I’ve heard from multiple Rhode Islanders keeping tabs on the Republican National Committee Chairman’s election is that Mike Duncan would be the only bad choice, the reasoning being that Mr. Duncan takes the position that national party should focus only on Federal races and that state parties have to fend for themselves. There’s…

A Little Morning Humor… and Disgust

By Justin Katz | January 24, 2009 |

I sure hope Sheldon Whitehouse writes his own speeches, because I’d hate to think that somebody (let alone taxpayers) paid for this: But for the duration of our Republic, even though our Republic is admittedly imperfect, that light has shone more brightly and more steadily here in this Republic than in any place on earth:…

Praise Song for That Day

By Marc Comtois | January 22, 2009 |

Yesterday, Dan Yorke was talking about the inauguration poem, “Praise Song for the Day“, by Elizabeth Alexander and asking for impressions. For his part, Dan thought that it was a solid effort that was essentially a snapshots across America (a “literary split screen” as Dan called it). He thought that it could have been improved…