National Politics
As Obama, Pelosi and Reid accelerate the implementation of socialistic practices in America – building on what Bush started – it is helpful and necessary to reacquaint ourselves with fundamental economic principles and some specific significant issues animating today’s public debate. FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES The 17-blog post series below was originally put together in 2006…
As he often does, Jonah Goldberg captures something almost intangible, but true, with this: Ramesh asked yesterday: “I’m not quite sure why so many liberals are spluttering with rage over the Republicans’ failure to go along with their stimulus ideas.” He then went on to provide perfectly rational explanations for why liberals should still be…
One thought I’ve heard from multiple Rhode Islanders keeping tabs on the Republican National Committee Chairman’s election is that Mike Duncan would be the only bad choice, the reasoning being that Mr. Duncan takes the position that national party should focus only on Federal races and that state parties have to fend for themselves. There’s…
I sure hope Sheldon Whitehouse writes his own speeches, because I’d hate to think that somebody (let alone taxpayers) paid for this: But for the duration of our Republic, even though our Republic is admittedly imperfect, that light has shone more brightly and more steadily here in this Republic than in any place on earth:…
Yesterday, Dan Yorke was talking about the inauguration poem, “Praise Song for the Day“, by Elizabeth Alexander and asking for impressions. For his part, Dan thought that it was a solid effort that was essentially a snapshots across America (a “literary split screen” as Dan called it). He thought that it could have been improved…
Jason Jones delivers it on Jon Stewart, just after Stewart has illustrated the striking similarities between Bush’s rhetoric and Obama’s: It’s like, why is cheese delicious on Italian food, but when you melt it on Chinese food, it’s disgusting. I don’t know. I guess when Obama says this stuff, I don’t think he really means…
Here is the text of President Obama’s speech. His victory speech was much better, not the least because it was much more gracious toward and tolerant of the other side. Among the first statements issued in the president’s new, “unified” tone? On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and…
Connecticut has a familiar problem (h/t): While the private sector was shedding millions of jobs in 2008 and government budgets were collapsing under the weight of waste, fraud and carved-in-stone personnel costs, the public sector had another banner year. Governments at all levels hired 164,100 new employees and were largely responsible for the addition of…
On Monday, the Americans for Tax Reform organization will be holding a debate between the candidates for chairman of the Republican National Committee. Confirmed participants are Saul Anuzis, Ken Blackwell, Katon Dawson, Chip Saltsman and Michael Steele. Also inivited, but not confirmed the last time I checked the website, are Mike Duncan, Tina Benkiser and…
Is it me, or is the continued media harassment of the Palin clan beginning to seem like a more general warning: Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says her future son-in-law is not a high school dropout as the press is reporting. … Palin said some media outlets also are erroneously reporting that her 18-year-old daughter, Bristol,…