National Politics

Partisan Spin, or Something Else?

By Justin Katz | October 6, 2008 |

Does Froma Harrop even try to understand the other side? A couple of columns ago, she laid the entire economic crisis at the feet of Phil Gramm, and now, she dismisses a contrary explanation by reducing it to one component: ACCOMPLISHED GOOGLERS can probably find the original talking points off which dozens of conservatives have…

Back with a Bullet

By Justin Katz | October 5, 2008 |

It seemed as if Mark Steyn took a hiatus from regular punditry, and it’s good to have him back: By contrast, Senator Biden was glib and fluent and in command of the facts — if by “in command of the facts” you mean “talks complete blithering balderdash and hogwash.” He flatly declared that Obama never…

Well, take your pick

By Donald B. Hawthorne | October 4, 2008 |

Gotta love that Harry Reid. And, if Obama wins, the Dem majorities in the Congress will allow him, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi to do most anything they want in DC. Lovely. Harry Reid: reckless and ignorant OR an extreme partisan. Take your pick.

Good to Be Leader (Bad to Be Beholden)

By Justin Katz | September 30, 2008 |

Well, now: Pelosi and her aides have made it clear they were not going to “whip” or twist the arms of members who did not want to vote, but they also made no effort to rally any support for a bill they attempted to hijack over the weekend. Further, according to House Oversight Committee staff,…

Re: A Study in Contrasting Responses

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 7, 2008 |

UPDATED ON SEPTEMBER 8 & 9 Incentives drive human behavior but, especially in government where there are no market forces, rarely does anybody pay attention to the impact of the incentives created by laws, regulations or government actions. Which is why government actions will always create “unintended” consequences and less than efficient solutions. There is…

Yep, those religious fundamentalists are scary!

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 6, 2008 |

OMG. LOL! H/T to The Anchoress. Read her whole post, too. Not to sound like a broken record, but: …It could be that a great many voters have taken a good look at the fundamentalists on the religious right and the fundamentalists on the political left and made up their own minds about which pose…

McCain’s speech

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 4, 2008 |

On the recent Republican party behavior: I fight to restore the pride and principles of our party. We were elected to change Washington, and we let Washington change us. We lost the trust of the American people when some Republicans gave in to the temptations of corruption. We lost their trust when rather than reform…

Left-wing feminist masters to Sarah Palin: How dare you try to leave our plantation!

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 4, 2008 |

I wish I could find an old political cartoon I recall from the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court hearing days which showed Ted Kennedy as the plantation master talking about how blacks weren’t allowed off the left-wing plantation. Well, today’s plantation masters are left-wing feminists like Gloria Steinem. Catch the irony here: Roughly a decade ago,…

Sarah Palin’s speech

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 3, 2008 |

Along the way, Sarah Palin asked what the difference was between a pit bull and a hockey mom: Lipstick. Ahem, after listening to her speech, ladies and gentlemen, I’m betting she is plenty tough enough and most surely ready for primetime. Some excerpts: On her experience as a public servant: “I had the privilege of…

Chafee’s Political (Ahem) Wisdom

By Justin Katz | September 3, 2008 |

This is just too much, coming from a man who drove me to vote for an opponent who is now the second most liberal Senator in Congress: As a matter of campaign politics, Chafee challenged the conventional wisdom that Palin’s selection will rouse GOP conservatives who had not been enthusiastic about McCain. He said Palin…