National Politics
Why the ferocious reaction by both the Left and the MSM to the Palin nomination? The conventional wisdom is that it is sexism, a variation on what Hillary experienced during the Democratic primaries. That is certainly part of the explanation. When have you ever heard male candidates, such as Obama, asked about how they will…
Beginning at 16:36 in this video of her speech today when she accepted John McCain’s selection of her as his Vice Presidential partner, Sarah Palin said these words: …I signed major ethics reforms…And I championed reform to end the abuses of earmarked spending. In fact, I told Congress: Thanks, but no thanks, to that Bridge-to-Nowhere.…
Whatever the party, I can’t believe that anybody is interested — much less enjoys — these speeches. Everything promised. Posture. Posing. Some standby lines and historical references. Black-and-white arguments and vague solutions. One characteristic that I notice again and again with Barack Obama is his method of adding that flavor of bipartisan “change” to the…
A comment from Tom W, last week, raises an interesting question (emphasis added): Of course “Linc” is now being widely (hailed) in the MSM regarding involvement with “Republicans for Obama.” Gotta love the irony, since McCain came here to campaign for Chafee to try to save his RINO bacon. This is what happens when the…
A couple years ago, I posted about the RI delegation’s rankings in the Congressional Power Rankings. Welp, I forgot about it last year, but this being an election year, why not see how the boys are doing?
It probably hasn’t surprised readers that a recent op-ed by Lincoln Chafee and Ari Savitzky arguing in favor of a national popular vote system for president strings together muddled thinking. On the one hand, they claim that “the apportionment of Electoral College does not benefit small states.” Yet, a few sentences later, “the Electoral College…
Richard Clarke, Your Government Failed You: Breaking the Cycle of National Security Disasters Your government failed you. So said Richard Clarke to the American people during the 9/11 Commission hearings a few years back. Clarke’s resume of over 30 years in the foreign policy arena speaks for itself and adds weight to his point of…
Nancy Pelosi is blocking a vote, heck, a discussion, on lifting a ban on offshore drilling for oil. The talking points justifying her actions are out there. So are the polls indicating that a majority of the American people think we should do more domestic drilling, even while they recognize the benefits won’t be immediate.…
Main Entry: hu·bris Pronunciation: \ˈhyü-brəs\ Function: noun Etymology:Greek hybris Date: 1884 : exaggerated pride or self-confidence — hu·bris·tic \hyü-ˈbris-tik\ adjective example – “I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.“
Time to clean out the “To do” link “attic” I keep handy. So, before they vanish into the ether, here are some that may be interesting to others. Part I: Politics and Economy Obama, Shaman by Michael Knox Beran: Obama-mania is bound in the end to disappoint. Not only does it teach us to despise…