National Politics

Open Thread: 2008 Presidential Election

By Carroll Andrew Morse | March 12, 2007 |

Sensing undeniable interest in the subject, despite any ironclad vows I may have taken, I will offer an open thread for observations and analysis concerning the 2008 Presidential election.

Why Flip-Flops are Valid Campaign Issues

By Carroll Andrew Morse | February 28, 2007 |

Mickey Kaus provides the seeds of the argument that explains why flip-flopping is something not desirable in a political candidate. Kaus points out that you can’t really determine a candidate’s heartfelt position is the flip or the flop. Contrary to the way it is usually portrayed, it is just as likely that a candidate’s current…

Hey Bush Haters: Just So’s You Don’t Miss It

By Justin Katz | February 14, 2007 |

Well look what’s among the news not fit to print: Even with spending control slipping a bit (up 6.4% in January 2007 compared to January 2006), the deficit is 57% lower through the first four months of FY07 than it was at the same time in FY06. I believe that merits a “Wow.” There is…

Mitt Romney on Social Issues

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 29, 2007 |

I know. I’m not supposed to be posting anything on the 2008 Presidential campaign before June. However, I’m adding a codicil to my New Year’s resolution: I can make an exception when able to present primary-source material about a Presidential candidate (or someone with a Presidential exploratory committee) that adds to a discussion area already…

Closing an Independent Klaus With a Question Mark

By Justin Katz | January 25, 2007 |

Even days later, I find Klaus’s comments to my recent post dizzying. Sometimes — I’d suggest — the fact that every bit of evidence points to your conclusion, even those bits that are contradictory, is above all evidence that your conclusion is a priori. In one breath, industrial manufacturing companies have it all over modern…

State of the Union Open Thread

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 23, 2007 |

I was going to write a high-snark-factor post about how nothing memorable has ever occurred in a State of the Union Address. However, I came across this Whitehouse webpage (the building, not the Senator; this is going to be really annoying for the next six years) which lists some impressive State of the Union moments…1823:…

Cheap Pop or a Marriage of Concepts?

By Justin Katz | January 20, 2007 |

Supporters of minimum wage increases (used here as an example issue) don’t appear willing to discuss whether their policies would work, would achieve an increase in living standard for working families. Instead, they offer insults about heartlessness and declarations about what the working poor deserve. Their presumption, I guess, is that anybody so cold as…

House Dems Like Earmark Reform. Senate Dems? Not so much…

By Marc Comtois | January 12, 2007 |

Ah yes, see how much has changed! Looks like the House Democrats earmark reform bill is being supported by most Senate Republicans and a few Democrats….but the heartiest opposition is being put up by Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (via Glenn Reynolds). TPM Muckraker has one report and Andy Roth at the Club For Growth…

Democrats 9/11 Commission Bill: Both Less and More Than Advertised

By Marc Comtois | January 10, 2007 |

So, the 100 Hours continue and Speaker Pelosi has gotten her 9/11 Commission legislation through. And though some may think that every one of the 9/11 Commission prescriptions were included (the necessity or wisdom of implementing them all is another discussion), apparently, that’s really not the case (via The Corner). Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, independent…

Foreshadow of Serious Earmark Reform?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 5, 2007 |

I may have to give the new Congressional Democrats some credit. During the past election, I commented several times on this June 2006 statement by Congressman Jim Moran of Virginia…”When I become chairman [of a House appropriations subcommittee], I’m going to earmark the sh** out of it,” Moran buoyantly told a crowd of 450 attending…