National Politics

More on Potential FEC Restrictions on Blogging Community

By | June 26, 2005 |

A previous posting provided a substantive introduction to ongoing FEC regulation risks facing the blogging community. Win Myers at the Democracy Project continues his good work on this subject with these two recent postings here and here. It is in the blogging community’s self-interest as lovers of freedom to stay informed about FEC developments and…

Countering the Intolerance of Left-Wing Secular Fundamentalists

By | June 26, 2005 |

Hugh Hewitt has written an important article entitled Real Religious Intolerance. In the article, he provides a speech by American Roman Catholic Archbishop Chaput that is worthy of reading in full: The Los Angeles Weekly’s “The New Blacklist” is author Douglas Ireland’s attempt to equate consumer boycotts of gay-themed entertainment sponsors with McCarthyism. That’s a…

Rediscovering Proper Judicial Reasoning

By | June 25, 2005 |

The public debate about proper judicial reasoning is often so ill-informed because the focus is only on short-term partisan agendas, a bad habit which damages the fabric of our society and respect for the rule of law. Into that morass and using the recent Supreme Court decision on medical marijuana use in California, Charles Krauthammer…

Now Here is a Good Idea

By | June 22, 2005 | Comments Off on Now Here is a Good Idea

This article, entitled California Union Blues: The Golden State’s unions fight to keep their members from controlling their own money, informs us about an issue that often gets limited public scrutiny: The leadership of California’s largest public labor unions declared a crisis last week–and it had nothing to do with outsourcing, Enron, WorldCom, the minimum…

Hillary Rodham Clinton II

By Marc Comtois | June 20, 2005 | Comments Off on Hillary Rodham Clinton II

To further enable investigation, here is the rundown on Sen. Clinton provided by Project Vote Smart. Concerning “Issue Positions,” one will be confronted by this disclaimer: In 2000, this candidate was contacted repeatedly over several weeks by Project Vote Smart staff members and by prominent political leaders, and asked to do the right and honorable…

Hillary Rodham Clinton

By | June 20, 2005 | Comments Off on Hillary Rodham Clinton

National Review Online has an interview with Edward Klein, author of the new book on Hillary Rodham Clinton entitled The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President. The interview attempts to get beyond/behind the recent controversy about an excerpt from the book. Those of…

Liberalism’s Dilemma

By Marc Comtois | June 16, 2005 | Comments Off on Liberalism’s Dilemma

Andrew writes about Liberalism’s Dilemma at Tech Central Station.

Why the Big Three Auto Companies Could Easily Fail

By | June 13, 2005 |

An earlier posting entitled Outrageous Employee Compensation Liabilities Continue to Haunt General Motors; Will American Taxpayers End Up Paying the Bill? highlighted pension and healthcare cost issues that have made American auto makers like General Motors cost the high cost producer in a competitive global marketplace. These points and the structural problems that sustain them…

For a Chuckle…

By | June 13, 2005 | Comments Off on For a Chuckle…

ScrappleFace does it like no one else. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, we forget to do what ScrappleFace does – poke fun at political actors. Here are two great recent examples: GOP Senators Shocked: Judge Brown is Black: Republican Senators, who yesterday confirmed President Bush’s appointment of Judge Janice Rogers Brown to the…

Milton Friedman on School Choice

By | June 9, 2005 |

Milton Friedman has written a new editorial entitled “Free to Choose: After 50 years, education vouchers are beginning to catch on” Little did I know when I published an article in 1955 on “The Role of Government in Education” that it would lead to my becoming an activist for a major reform in the organization…