On the Campus

URI College Republicans, Still Recognized

By Carroll Andrew Morse | April 26, 2007 |

From Randal Edgar of the Projo…The University of Rhode Island Student Senate last night backed away from asking the College Republican club to apologize for advertising a “White Heterosexual American Male” scholarship, but the club is being asked to send clarification letters to the 40 people who applied. The letters are to explain something that…

Meanwhile, at URI….

By Marc Comtois | April 25, 2007 |

While the Roger Williams University radio controversy rages on, the URI Senate is deciding whether or not to de-recognize the URI College Republicans. Here’s a press release from Ryan Bilodeau, Chairman of the URI College Republicans: Kingston, RI – April 25, 2007 – Displaying a dramatic disregard for students’ constitutional rights, a committee of the…

Roger Williams U Gets into the Censorship Game? (UPDATED)

By Marc Comtois | April 25, 2007 |

First it was the URI College Republicans, now a couple conservative college radio hosts have been “fired” from WQRI, the Roger Williams University student radio station. Their offense? Repeating the Don Imus “nappy headed ho” phrase on the air while discussing the incident itself. Call it second-hand censorship. Now, I believe that because RWU is…

’60’s Era Campus Free Speechniks: Fought the Old Boss, became the New Boss

By Marc Comtois | February 22, 2007 |

What happens when young co-eds “fight the power” and win a loosening of on-campus speech codes? Why, they seek to reimpose them when they become “the power.” As Greg Lukianoff and Will Creeley of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) explain in a campus free speech expose in today’s Providence Phoenix (Via N4N):…

A College Republican Christmas

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 8, 2006 |

To help usher in the Christmas season, the University of Rhode Island College Republicans are inviting people to a Christmas card party, where they will be preparing messages of Christmas cheer to be sent to members of the American Civil Liberties Union…In response to the war on Christmas by radical leftist organizations like the American…

Brown University Let’s the Evangelicals Back In

By Marc Comtois | November 28, 2006 |

After telling the Reformed University Fellowship that they wouldn’t be allowed on campus just, well, “because,” Brown University has had a change of heart. But they still haven’t been forthcoming as to why the RUF was banned in the first place. Yesterday, Ethan Wingfield, president of the Reformed University Fellowship, said he was pleased at…

Brown University: Not a Bastion of Free Speech

By Marc Comtois | November 21, 2006 |

Yesterday, I read in the ProJo about how Brown University had rather suspiciously banned an on-campus student evangelical group. Leaders of the group say they were given different reasons for the action. At first, they were told it was because their local sponsor, Trinity Presbyterian Church, had withdrawn its support, which it hadn’t. Then they…

Brown University Losing Its Edge?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 14, 2006 |

National Review isn’t exactly considered the journal of record for the Ivy League. (William F. Buckley once famously commented that he would “rather be governed by the first 2000 names in the Boston phone book than by the 2000 members of the faculty of Harvard University”). However, last week’s dead tree edition of NR contained…

That Old Smugness

By Justin Katz | December 9, 2005 |

Feeling a bit too much the elder rebel — whose rebellion is increasingly merely to laugh at the enemy’s antics — I suggested to a URI College Republican in a comment to my previous post that it is only recently that campus communities have had to face the idea that perhaps anti-conservatism isn’t simply an…

After Horowitz, the Hoopla

By Justin Katz | December 8, 2005 |

I’ve been following the letters to the editor exchanges in the University of Rhode Island’s student paper, The Good ¢5 Cigar, subsequent to David Horowitz’s appearance on campus, including an angry offering from the man himself. In today’s edition, however, is a letter from John Biszko, a Tulane student displaced back home, as it were,…