On the Campus

Being Another “Face of Hate”

By Justin Katz | May 12, 2005 | Comments Off on Being Another “Face of Hate”

As I’ve announced on Dust in the Light (I think), I’ll be writing a biweekly column, published Thursdays, for TheFactIs.org, an online opinion magazine jointly sponsored by the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute and the Culture of Life Foundation. My first offering is “Communicating with the ‘Faces of Hate’,” about conservative Christians’ designation, in…

A Needle Dropped in the Liberal Echo Chamber

By Justin Katz | January 21, 2005 |

Perhaps my age is getting to be such that it is becoming unseemly to trawl among students’ letters to their collegiate newspapers for material. Still, by watching a babe taking its first steps, one may come to a fuller understanding of the precariousness of two-legged movement. Similarly, by considering students’ expression of their professors’ views,…