Political Thought

“Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?”

By Marc Comtois | May 21, 2007 |

Former RI Senate Majority Leader and CCRI Professor David Carlin (D, Newport) has written a new book, Can a Catholic Be A Democrat. Here’s a summary: When author David Carlin was a young man, it was scandalous for a good Catholic to be anything but a good Democrat. In the pews, pubs, and union halls…

Little Segue Is Needed

By Justin Katz | April 29, 2007 |

It’s somewhat surprising how little segue is deemed necessary, in America’s letters to the editor sections, to bash the president or the pope. On the death of Kurt Vonnegut, Ivan Wolfson from Riverside explained: Vonnegut’s novels explored, often with humor, the inexhaustible ability of humans, as individuals, governments and corporations, through their greed, thoughtlessness, stupidity…

Re: Conservative Political Methods

By Marc Comtois | March 30, 2007 |

Justin jumped in ahead of me on this one (hey, it happens with us non-coordinating bloggers). Here’s a little more background. NY Times columnist David Brooks ($ required) started it off, and Andrew Sullivan, Ross Douthat and Jonah Goldberg have all weighed in thus far. The acute argument being had is between Sullivan and Douthat/Brooks.…

Summing Up Differing Approaches to Poverty

By Marc Comtois | January 25, 2007 |

Nathan Smith at TCS daily offers this contrast between how President Bush and Sen. Jim Webb view the poverty question: President Bush has proposed an array of policies that confront different aspects of real deprivation as experienced by the poor here and abroad: bad education, lack of legal status and fear of deportation, lack of…

Appealing to the Parenting Class

By Marc Comtois | December 1, 2006 |

Yuval Levin has written a piece that is getting some attention around the web. In it, he identifies what he calls the “parenting class” as being the new group to whom politicians will need to appeal: The worry of middle- and lower-middle-class families arises from a genuine tension between the two things they most eagerly…

Against Linguistic Talismans

By Justin Katz | November 30, 2006 |

Earlier today, Marc noted the “neat little trick” whereby “moderates” and those to their left claim to tolerate everybody except the intolerant and then define as intolerant anybody with whom they disagree. To my ear, there’s something similar in the recently vogue usage of the term “mandate,” as in: “The election did show that there’s…

Jim Baron Says Take Down the Big Tents

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 30, 2006 |

Offering a decidedly contrarian viewpoint (relative to the usual MSM perspective), Pawtucket Times columnist Jim Baron comes out against political parties that are big tents…The Republican and Democratic parties long ago stopped standing for any particular ideology or principle. Both have determined to become “Big Tents” attracting any voters they can. They have become about…

Froma Harrop Advocates Market-Based Solutions (For a Fleeting Moment)

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 29, 2006 |

In an op-ed in today’s Projo, Froma Harrop invokes the name of Milton Friedman in arguing for drug legalization…I was alone on a New York subway platform, when a man started toward me. His glassy eyes foretold what was to happen. He pointed at the flute case I was carrying and said, “Give it to…

Rebuilding the RI GOP Part I: Forming a Political Philosophy

By Marc Comtois | November 10, 2006 |

I think an important distinction needs to be made in this discussion about re-invigorating the Rhode Island Republican Party by “defining conservatism.’ The attempt to excise the social aspects from the holistic definition of conservatism–essentially smaller government and traditional morality–indicates that it’s not conservatism that is being defined so much as Rhode Island Republicanism. The…

Requiring a Moral Excuse for Due Diligence

By Justin Katz | October 18, 2006 | Comments Off on Requiring a Moral Excuse for Due Diligence

The comments to my most recent post on same-sex marriage rapidly branched off into discussion of a Westerly Republican politician who is, apparently, homosexual. Having not researched the man for myself, I won’t presume to offer analysis; I’ll merely explain that the initial question posed by a commenter, Bryan, was: “How can a man who…