Rhode Island Politics

Carcieri Confirms: Morgan Out as RI GOP Head

By Marc Comtois | December 15, 2006 |

[BUMPED] During his interview with WPRO’s Dan Yorke last night (audio not up yet), Governor Carcieri confirmed that current Rhode Island Republican Party Chair Patricia Morgan would be stepping aside. Let the speculation begin. UPDATE: ProJo 7to7 confirms: Patricia Morgan said today that she won’t seek another term as the head of the state Republican…

Preventing Point Street Overpass Cost Overruns: A Lesson in the Legislature’s Minority-Sponored-Bill-Auto-Table-Function

By Marc Comtois | December 15, 2006 |

The ProJo reports that Warwick State Rep. Peter Ginaitt is upset about cost overruns on the Point Street overpass project. Ginaitt said he was troubled by a Dec. 4 article in The Providence Journal reporting that the overpass project’s cost has grown more than 75 percent and that it is more than two years late.…

Sec. State-Elect Mollis Fined for Election Violations

By Marc Comtois | December 13, 2006 |

Only in Rhode Island, right? That the incoming Secretary of State, Ralph Mollis–you know, the general officer who is responsible for running clean elections–and one of his flunkies have been fined for violating campaign laws is quite an accomplishment, even in the RI political theater in which caricature has become reality. The Ethics Commission yesterday…

So We’re Running In the Red? Let’s Spend Spend Spend!

By Marc Comtois | December 11, 2006 |

Hm. I thought the RI State government was losing money this year. According to this ProJo piece, I’m left to conclude that the General Assembly believes in deficit spending (H/T Dan Yorke for reminding me!) : At a time when financial constraints have forced other arms of state government to talk about widespread layoffs, the…

Baron Dazzled by MoveOn

By Marc Comtois | December 11, 2006 |

Jim Baron writes: …when I heard there was a [MoveOn.org] meeting scheduled at a home in Barrington last week, I thought I would sit in and see what it was all about. The meeting, replicated in living rooms all over the country on the same night — the national MoveOn organization claims 7,000 people at…

The First 2008 Prognostication

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 4, 2006 |

John J. Miller provides a very early take on the 2008 Senate Races in today’s National Review Online. Here’s what he says about Rhode Island…“Bring back Linc!” It’s a slogan that precisely nobody is chanting, though someone is sure to suggest that senator Lincoln Chafee, allegedly a Republican, try to rebound from his defeat last…

Bob Walsh Needn’t Worry: Bloggers are Reading his Articles, Even When Projo Editors Can’t be Troubled To

By Carroll Andrew Morse | December 4, 2006 |

I post to defend the honor of Rhode Island chapter of the National Education Association’s Executive Director Robert Walsh. This is the headline of his op-ed that appeared in Sunday’s Projo…Robert A. Walsh Jr.: Straight-party option serves R.I.Yet beneath the headline, the op-ed makes no claim of the sort…Second, [Edward Achorn] implied that public-employee unions…

If Medicare Part “D” Ain’t Broke, Will Sen. Whitehouse Still Try to Fix it?

By Marc Comtois | November 30, 2006 |

I remember during the recent RI Senate race that Senator-elect Whitehouse made much of Healthcare, and, in particular, the “broken” Medicare Part “D” program (prescription drugs). In fact, it was number one on his Health Care reform To-Do list. While he was holding “the hands of seniors who are desperately afraid that they’ll wake up…

Paying Taxes: For Little People, Not State Legislators

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 29, 2006 |

And since the title of the previous post is based on a quote from legendary hotel magnate Leona Helmsley…We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes,… it should be noted that State Represenatative Bruce Long (R-Jamestown/Middletown) appears to believe that he has also left the ranks of the little people. According to a…

Rhode Island’s Open Meetings Law: For Little People, Not State Legislators

By Carroll Andrew Morse | November 29, 2006 |

An unbylined story in today’s Projo, working off of a report issued by the Rhode Island Secretary of State’s office, fills in some details about how the Rhode Island legislature regularly conducts the people’s business in a less-than-transparent manner…On his way out the door, Secretary of State Matthew Brown has given state lawmakers a D…