Rhode Island Politics

Andrew Lyon For General Treasurer, Part 2

By Carroll Andrew Morse | October 5, 2006 | Comments Off on Andrew Lyon For General Treasurer, Part 2

Anchor Rising completes our interview with Andrew Lyon, Republican Candidate for the office of Rhode Island General Treasurer. Mr. Lyon wants to make sure people know what the General Treasurer’s job is not?I think a lot of people think that the General Treasurer just goes down to the bank, puts some money in, and gets…

Meet Karen Salvatore, Candidate for State Representative

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 29, 2006 |

Karen Salvatore is running for State Representative in Rhode Island’s 33rd district, which includes South Kingstown, Narragansett, and North Kingstown. This is Ms. Salvatore’s second try at the seat. Two years ago, she lost to 17-year incumbent Donald Lally by just 156 votes. Her run for office is the natural continuation of her efforts to…

Is Elizabeth Roberts Using Push-Polling?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 28, 2006 | Comments Off on Is Elizabeth Roberts Using Push-Polling?

RI Law Journal has a firsthand report on what sounds like a push-poll commissioned by the Elizabeth Roberts campaign for Lieutenant Governor. Jon Pincince (primary contributor to RILJ) told a pollster who had called him that he’d likely be voting for Robert Healey. Here’s what happened next…Then I was asked for whom I would vote…

Using Voter Initiative for Eminent Domain Reform (but not in Rhode Island)

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 27, 2006 | Comments Off on Using Voter Initiative for Eminent Domain Reform (but not in Rhode Island)

Opponents of voter initiative say it’s a bad idea because it somehow gives undue influence to special interests. According to an article from Monday’s USA Today, however, voters in eleven states have the opportunity to use voter initiative protect themselves from special interests that might use governmental processes to seize their homes…Eleven states are giving…

Andrew Lyon for General Treasurer, Part 1: Rhode Island’s Unfunded Pension Problem

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 27, 2006 | Comments Off on Andrew Lyon for General Treasurer, Part 1: Rhode Island’s Unfunded Pension Problem

Andrew Lyon is the Republican Candidate for the office of Rhode Island General Treasurer. Anchor Rising recently had the opportunity to interview Mr. Lyon and ask him about the duties of the office, his qualifications for the office, and his reasons for running… Anchor Rising: I don’t think that most people understand why it makes…

What the Heck…Even More Poll Numbers!

By Marc Comtois | September 19, 2006 |

(Heads Up–or Nota Bene for the cultured sort–Andrew and I were obviously working the same story and posted them within 1 minute of each other. This proves we Anchor Rising Contributors don’t collude!!!! I kept my post up because of the wonderfully witty and pithy observations….but I did truncate most of it to the “extended”…

Refocusing for November

By Marc Comtois | September 14, 2006 |

As conservatives and Republicans continue the navel gazing (myself included) over the just-past Chafee/Laffey race, it’s worth bringing up the substantial work that we still have to do in November. Though it’s a little tough to prioritize amongst state, local and national elections and issues–the local and city council race for Ward 1 in Warwick…

Lessons Learned

By Marc Comtois | September 13, 2006 |

I was tempted to frame this post around a list of the “lessons learned” from yesterday’s primary elections, but the fact of the matter is, that in most cases, we didn’t learn anything new: instead, we witnessed a thoroughly typical Rhode Island election. Why do I say that? Show me an incumbent or longtime political…

Almost Final Primary Results

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 12, 2006 |

Via WJAR-TV Channel 10… US Senate: (98% of precincts reporting) Lincoln Chafee33,88654% Steve Laffey29,36346% US Congress, Dist. 1: (100% of precincts reporting) Jon Scott11,25869% Ed Leather5,06031% US Congress, Dist 2: (100% of precincts reporting) James Langevin24,47862% Jennifer Lawless15,04338% Lt. Gov (R): (98% of precincts reporting) Reginald Centracchio36,33867% Kerry King17,93733% Lt. Gov (D): (98% of precincts…

Dan Harrop and Dave Talan and on Newsmakers, Part 2

By Carroll Andrew Morse | September 11, 2006 |

For those Providence residents who haven’t made a decision on who they will be voting for in tommorow’s Maoyral primary, here’s a quick summary of Part 2 of Dan Harrop‘s and Dave Talan‘s appearance on WPRI-TV Channel 12‘s Newmakers program from September 3. Both gentleman gave articulate and detailed answers to each question that was…