Rhode Island Politics
Heh – ace investigative reporter Mike Stanton is at it again. Looks like 38 Studios is not the first time that Speaker Gordon Fox (D) has mucked around with a bad loan program. At least his own law practice didn’t benefit directly from the 38 Studios arrangement. Can’t say the same about his involvement with…
In the other two Federal races in Rhode Island this year, both polled by WPRI-TV (CBS 12), incumbent James Langevin leads challenger Michael Riley 48%-31% (and independent Abel Collins receiving 9% of the vote), and incumbent Senator Sheldon Whitehouse leads challenger Barry Hinckley 55%-33%.
The Democrat incumbent of House District 35 has been outspoken in his criticism of House leadership. However, in a press release on Thursday, his Republican opponent, Jim Haldeman, points out that the General Assembly leadership does not represent (as it were) the only special interest in Rhode Island politics. COMMITTEE FOR HALDEMAN ANNOUNCES COMMITMENT TO…
… even if you’re helping a progressive candidate in decidedly left leaning Rhode Island. In the category of Neither of the Above is the House District Four race, Speaker Gordon Fox versus Mark Binder. Gordon Fox is, of course, a Democrat and his challenger is, if anything, to the left of him. (Cracked me up…
How many times have we heard our incumbent legislators tell us that they had no idea the $75 million addition to the EDC was for 38 Studios? Many times. Even Senator Daniel DaPonte, the Senate Finance Chairman, claimed during his Newsmakers debate that this was done “above my pay grade.” In the first hour on…
Apparently I’m paying for the Burrillville-Glocester Youth Soccer Association. Excellent, can my child play there? Or how about the Elmwood Little League, where do I sign up? There’s also the History Warren Armory, I’ve helped pay for that. Maybe I’ll stop by the Richmond Community Center for some afternoon activities. And when I’m sick, I’ll…
The Social Security “trust fund” is expected to run out of money in 2033; the Medicare “trust fund” in 2024. Last year, Rhode Island finally faced and addressed – okay, only partially addressed … actually, only partially AND with the inclusion of a trojan horse – the insolvency of its state public employee pension fund.…
Rhode Island’s Republican candidates for Federal office would like to replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA, aka Obamacare) with something different. Senate Candidate Barry Hinckley calls for outright repeal on his campaign website; Second District Congressional candidate Michael Riley wants most of it repealed while retaining certain provisions, and First District Congressional…
The latest Brown Poll is full of approval ratings and horse-race numbers. Ian Donnis and Ted Nesi are just a couple of those breaking it down. For me, the most interesting was the contrast between question #15 and #16: 15. Would you describe the state of Rhode Island’s economy these days as excellent, good, not…
Danger, math ahead. I confirmed with Ted Nesi that the WPRI poll breakdown for the 1st Congressional district was 45% Democrat, 40% Independent and 12% Republican. So, I thought I’d delve deeper into the Doherty/Cicilline poll numbers because I thought it could tell me something interesting about District 1 independent voters. It also gave me…