War on Terror

Unions Would Have Stopped September 11!?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | February 13, 2007 |

Look, we all have bad days as bloggers. Some are worse than others. Matt Jerzyk of RI Future clearly steps over the line today…Today at 500pm there will be a big union rally sponsored by Council 94 AFSCME at Central Falls High School to oppose the privatization of school bus drivers expected to take place…

Senate Democrats Continue to Silence Dissenting Opinions on the Iraq War (and Continue to Assert Their Right to Do So)

By Carroll Andrew Morse | February 8, 2007 |

1. If you read far enough into John E. Mulligan’s column in today’s Projo on the Iraq war resolutions, you will get beyond the sound bytes and into the actual substance…After a long buildup, the Iraq debate stalled Monday when the Democrats refused to accept a GOP procedural plan for taking up Republican Warner’s resolution…

What Happened to the Non-Binding Iraq Resolution

By Carroll Andrew Morse | February 6, 2007 |

To fully understand what happened in yesterday’s U.S. Senate non-binding Iraq resolution vote, you need to understand that other Iraq resolutions, in addition to the anti-surge resolution, are awaiting Senate action. Here’s the full set, as described in USA Today…One opposes the president’s plan to increase troop numbers in Iraq.A second offers qualified support for…

The New York Times Says the US Should Ignore Its Enemies and Punish Its Allies. But That’s Nothing New.

By Carroll Andrew Morse | February 1, 2007 |

To paraphrase Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick, liberals have a distressing tendency to believe that the proper course of American foreign policy should be to punish allies and ignore enemies. Do you think that’s too harsh? Well, here’s the New York Times editorial board arguing for just that concept, explaining how America needs to ignore the actions…

Baker and Hamilton Support the Surge…

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 30, 2007 |

…and, in fact, their Iraq Study Group document always has, according to this report from the Weekly Standard’s international affairs weblog…Earlier today, James Baker endorsed President Bush’s plan to surge troops into Baghdad, as did Lee Hamilton, who co-chaired the bipartisan Iraq Study Group with Baker. Baker told the Senate Foreign Relation Committee that “the…

Newt Gingrich on Conservatism and on Iraq

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 30, 2007 |

The first speaker at the NRI Conservative Summit this past weekend was former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. The former Speaker offered a challenging take on the state of conservatism… Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich: Always talk personally first, historically second, and politically last. This is the number one problem with the…

Antiwarriors in Translation

By Justin Katz | January 22, 2007 |

Such letters aren’t usually (or now, to be honest with you) worthy of comment, but for some reason, this evening, I can’t resist. To quote John Leistritz of Pawtucket: President Bush’s so-called new strategy for the war in Iraq is actually more of the same — only it commits more U.S. troops to a region…

RE:Should Democrats be Criticized for their No-Plan Iraq Plan?

By Marc Comtois | January 12, 2007 |

Of course, as Linda Chavez points out, there was a time when they did have a plan for staying, too: Democrats were early to recognize the threat of sectarian violence in Iraq and have consistently been skeptical of democracy taking hold in Iraq in an atmosphere of uncontrolled violence. For much of the war, prominent…

Should Democrats be Criticized for their No-Plan Iraq Plan?

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 12, 2007 |

Garance Franke-Ruta of the American Prospect’s weblog misunderstands David Brooks’ New York Times column on the Iraq surge. Here’s Ms. Franke-Ruta’s criticism of Brooks first… I had to read this column a couple of times before I could get what exactly David Brooks was trying to say, but as far as I can make out…

The President’s Iraq Gambit

By Carroll Andrew Morse | January 11, 2007 | Comments Off on The President’s Iraq Gambit

1. In case you missed it in the MSM reporting, there is a definite timetable in the President’s Iraq speech…To establish its authority, the Iraqi government plans to take responsibility for security in all of Iraq’s provinces by November.This implies that the President is counting on Iraqi army and national police force training to be…