Politics This Week

Racial conflict fist as a green light

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Municipal and School Officials Build Toward Race War

By Justin Katz | July 20, 2021 |

Critical race theory is all the rage, and John DePetro and Justin Katz worry about RI government efforts to stoke it into conflict.

Don't Think, Don't Ask, Pay Tax, Vote for Us

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Politics Becomes All

By Justin Katz | July 13, 2021 |

John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss how everything is becoming political narrative, not serving and protecting the people, in Rhode Island.

Multiracial hands on a table

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Story Tone Depends on Skin Tone

By Justin Katz | July 6, 2021 |

More and more, it appears that the way a story is covered by the media and addressed by government officials depends most on the skin color of the people involved, as John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss.

An underwater photo

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Growing Signs of Distrust

By Justin Katz | June 28, 2021 |

From a U.S. Senator to the news media to a local school committee, Rhode Islanders’ trust is slipping, but John DePetro and Justin Katz aren’t sure it’s enough to bring change.

Jorge Elorza speaks at a Pride event

Politics This Week with John DePetro: The Privileged in Rhode Island

By Justin Katz | June 21, 2021 |

This week, John and Justin discuss the special interests who get special privileges in the Ocean State.

Cut roots on a wall

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Systemic Avoidance of Root Causes

By Justin Katz | June 14, 2021 |

This week, John and Justin discuss homelessness, gun crime, and the common theme that activists and politicians don’t want to touch the real problems behind them both.

Colors in a bubble

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Blowing Progressive Bubbles in RI

By Justin Katz | June 7, 2021 |

This week, John and Justin discuss how Rhode Island media, politicians, and officials trip themselves and others up because they see the world from within bubbles.

A foot massage

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Playing Footsie in a Parasitic Legislature

By Justin Katz | May 24, 2021 |

For this week’s conversation, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss the complete lack of will to fix education for Rhode Island kids or reduce abuse for Rhode Island taxpayers.

RI State House over caution tape

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Progressives Without Answers

By Justin Katz | May 19, 2021 |

For this week’s conversation, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss Rhode Island progressives’ inability to come up with solutions for problems that their policies have created.

BLM protest on Federal Hill

Politics This Week with John DePetro: Not All Rhode Islanders Are Equal

By Justin Katz | May 10, 2021 |

The weekly conversation about politics between John DePetro and Justin Katz finds a common theme of some Rhode Islanders’ mattering more than others.