Reform All Around
I’d already added the Patients First Coalition to the list of links at left, but looking at their “Fast Facts on Why Rhode Island Needs Medical Liability Reform,” I thought the following particularly noteworthy:
- 48% of physicians planning to leave Rhode Island within the next
three years to practice elsewhere cite Rhode Island’s high malpractice insurance costs. - 71% of doctors have found it hard to recruit new doctors to Rhode Island.
- Rhode Island ranks last in the length of time it takes for malpractice cases to be resolved — 6 years. The national average is less than 5 years and some states deliver justice in less than 3 years.
- Rhode Island has the 4th highest average malpractice award payment ($406,411) in the country.
- Rhode Island surgeons have experienced premium increases of 175% since 2002; general practitioners have experienced increases of 200% since 2002; and hospitals have experienced premium increases of 286% since 2002.
It’s amazing how pervasive a state’s problems can become after years of corruption and apathy.