I Don’t Suppose We Can Blame This On a Lack of Local Ownership
From an unsigned editorial in today’s Projo…
It is time to consider consolidating many more town and city services regionally. To that end, it might be time to revive Rhode Island’s four counties — Providence, Kent, Bristol and Washington (aka South County) to provide local services.Um, what happened to Newport County?
ALSO . . . by law, South County is NOT synonymous with Washington County, although the two are often used interchangeabley in conversation.
Newport County is just all of those Water People, they don’t really count in the grand scheme of things anyway.
Picky, picky, picky …
Now wait just one minute! Before we pick on the Projo staff, there is likly just a little confusion at the ProJo because some of the paperwork had been changed from Newport County to Procaccianti County before they decided not to go through with the deal.
Evidently the ProJo didn’t get the memo until just before print and only had time to remove the new name.
Where is Procaccianti County? Why it’s in the state of Rhode, of course! 🙂