A Point Worth Considering…
… in Jay Nordlinger’s latest Impromptus:
… a reader wrote to ask me this: “Dear Jay: After the Senate threatened Rush — and remember the vast regulatory power of the federal government — did anyone utter the words ‘chilling effect’?”
Not that I heard, no. Because free speech is for liberals and leftists — for Izzy Stone and David Halberstam and Sy Hersh. Not for the likes of thee and me.
The mainstreamers, of course, would very much like for Rush to be chilled. And shaken (but not stirred.)
c’omn that’s like arguing balls and strikes
Well, it can be fun. And when the argument involves people who shape and even dictate culture and public policy, it can actually be important.
Having heard Rush on Morning Joe today, you need not fear any chilling effect on him.