Buddymania Continues in the Darnedest Places

The return to WPRO-AM was suspected for months – maybe years – beforehand. The gig with ABC6 didn’t really take anyone by surprise.
But the subject of a feature article in The New Republic? Now that’s getting a tad ridiculous.
[Insert your own “Maybe TNR needed an association with someone with a cleaner reputation than Scott Thomas Beauchamp to bolster their image” joke here].

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16 years ago

Is it me or is Buddymania lacking much sizzle? Radio show is deadly boring. Though I must admit Buddy is the perfect TV political analyst for corrupt insider Rhode Island. No accident Democrats like Kennedy and Lynch (your AG? with Buddy? lol) and union dogs like George Nee have run to Buddy’s show.
Birds of a feather…

Richard M. Nixon
16 years ago

Thanks for giving us a post about an interesting article, but providing a link to the article where you can’t read it without a subscription. Great blogging, keep it up.

16 years ago

Andrew, you’re exaggerating. UPS the book. Please!
You would call him up and read it to him over the phone.

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