Can’t Teach an Old Media New Tricks, Either
Glenn is right that this isn’t exactly surprising news, but it’s worth remembering from time to time throughout the egregiously extended campaign season:
Just like so many reports before it, a joint survey by the Project for Excellence in Journalism and Harvard’s Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy — hardly a bastion of conservative orthodoxy — found that in covering the current presidential race, the media are sympathetic to Democrats and hostile to Republicans.
Democrats are not only favored in the tone of the coverage. They get more coverage period. This is particularly evident on morning news shows, which “produced almost twice as many stories (51% to 27%) focused on Democratic candidates than on Republicans.”
The most flagrant bias, however, was found in newspapers. In reviewing front-page coverage in 11 newspapers, the study found the tone positive in nearly six times as many stories about Democrats as it was negative.
Who wants to be the first to argue that this is the case because the Republicans deserve more negative coverage? You know, just like college professors are overwhelmingly left-wingers because they’re just the most darndest smartest people our society has to offer.
LOL. Could it be that the Democratic race at this particular point in time is more interesting?
Could it be that when the Republicans make their choice, between Rudy or Mitt or Fred…their might be more interesting points to be made by the Republicans? The simple fact is that the Democrats differ from each other, while with the exception of Ron Paul who gets my vote, the Republicans yack all the same.
LOL. Could it be that the Democratic race at this particular point in time is more interesting?
Could it be that when the Republicans make their choice, between Rudy or Mitt or Fred…their might be more interesting points to be made by the Republicans? The simple fact is that the Democrats differ from each other, while with the exception of Ron Paul who gets my vote, the Republicans yack all the same.
We have daily reminders of this bias locally with our old media. Channel 10 and the Projo are functional arms of the Democratic party. Beauty of the new media is how easily old media bias is exposed these days. Scary to think of the decades long indoctrination of the hearts and minds that went unchecked with the old media. Thank god that genie is out of the bottle.
if i didnt know better, i woiuld think there was no republican running.
the nyt has a headline with bill, hillary or obama everyday
they get more press than bush and all the gop combined
If there’s a negative tilt toward GOP race coverage, that perception is probably due to the polls that find GOP primary voters are much less happy about their choices than Dems are with theirs. That will quiet as conservatives stop grumbling and settle on candidates.