The Final Day

Today is the final day to get in on our order of Anchor Rising sport shirts. (Although we’ll welcome donations at any time throughout the year.) As I’ve said, we’ll keep Anchor Rising going as long as we’re able, simply out of passion and interest, but having greater resources at our disposal would dramatically broaden the range of things that we could accomplish.
If you’re planning to donate $60 or more, send me an email (with your shirt size) before 4:00 this afternoon, and I’ll add you to the list. That might also be a good idea if you’ve sent your donation through the mail within the past few days… just to make sure.

Donations of $60 or more will inspire a gift of this year’s AR apparel choice, a navy blue sport shirt with red collar trim and the Anchor Rising logo on the left of the chest:

Here’s a picture of the Anchor Rising logo as it was embroidered on the hats that we ordered last year, and as it will be embroidered on this year’s shirts:

Donations of any size can be made via PayPal by clicking the “Donate” button. Checks or money orders — made out to me (for the time being) — can be sent to:

Justin Katz
Anchor Rising
P.O. Box 751
Portsmouth, RI 02871

Again, shirts are a limited-time offer for donations made before Monday, February 11. Be sure to provide an address and your shirt size.
Donations are not tax deductible. That means that we have to pay taxes on it, and that you can’t claim it as a charitable contribution. However, it also means that we can write anything we want and that your identities are safe with us.

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