Sheldon Whitehouse, Man of the People
Is this a sign that today’s tough economic times are affecting even the ultra-rich liberal set?
That For Sale sign on the front lawn of Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s Elmgrove Avenue house in Providence is not an optical illusion. The senator and his wife, Sandra, are selling the house and consolidating their family at their house on Carroll Avenue in Newport, which the Whitehouses have long used as a summer place. Daughter Molly Whitehouse is a student at Yale University and son Alexander Whitehouse is attending boarding school, so Sheldon and Sandra Whitehouse will be empty-nesters this fall. The family has not purchased a house in Washington, D.C.; Sheldon Whitehouse is still bunking in with an aunt who owns a house in the District of Columbia when the Senate is in session.
Tough times indeed!
Sounds like the Whitehouse children weren’t subjected to an NEA public school.
Sheldon Whitehouse, another limousine liberal who talks the education talk but won’t walk the walk.
But Pat Crowley will still vote for him, for Whitehouse is a good Democrat and will protect the NEA’s grip on other peoples’ children.
whitehouse worrying about money-what joke!He’s a fop to the manor born and thinks he’s doing his noblesse oblige by deigning to serve us rabble(he probably refers to us as the hoi poloi)-this empty suit has embodied the Peter Principle of rising to one’s level of incmpetence.He was an uninspiring US Attorney-I worked with his office during my last two years on my job and he was the worst US Attorney I can recall here or in Illinois,where I was stationed previously.He promoted all the wrong people and ignored the best assistants he had.He then moved on to the Attorney General position where he demonstrated that he couldn’t protect a 15 year old witness-he apparently had no idea how dangerous the people were against whom she was going to testify.Well,shame on him.He is so out of touch with average people I can’t describe it.He reminds me a lot of the John Laroquette character in “Stipes”-clueless and arrogant- a bad combination.It is sickening to think he wields the power of a US Senator.Of course he insulated his children from the Providence school system.I’m not a hypocrite-my children attended Providence schools and my daughter at least got a good education-my son attended Central,which was a sewer.
I’m sure Sheldon’s aunt has plenty of room in the house-the Whitehouses are very wealthy.I believe they are originally from Virginia-could there be any family wealth from slavery?Just a thought.
That’s all I have to say today.
What is bewildering about Senator Whitehouse is that on the one hand, he refuses to act on a matter which is certainly in our grasp and about which much can be done: illegal immigration. Yet on the other, he supports “efforts” [read: carbon taxes] to “control” [read: have no impact on] global warming.
H’mm. Perhaps if somehow illegal immigration could be taxed, his views on the importance of our borders would change …