Gettin’ While the Gettin’s Good

Perchance this is the news for which I’d been told to watch:

At least three of Tiverton’s seven Town Council members won’t be seeking re-election in the fall, and one of them, John Edwards, is “seriously considering” running for the state representative seat that is expected to be vacated by District 70 Rep. Joseph N. Amaral, R-Tiverton.
“I’m going to seek a seat on the state level so I can continue to serve the residents of Tiverton,” Edwards said.

Although citizens might not know it because Tiverton’s local elections are (ahem) “non-partisan,” Edwards is a Democrat.
An overwhelmingly busy and unwealthy blogger can only hope that some of the several hundred people who voted against the budget “compromise” and stormed out of the high school gymnasium last week will run for the open slots.

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16 years ago

Why not you?

Jay Edwards
Jay Edwards
16 years ago

Just remember that it is always easier to sit on the sidelines & criticize those who do the work rather than jumping in and doing it yourself.
By the way, I have never hidden my party affiliation, so don’t make it sound like some revelation that I’m a Democrat. I found it very amusing a few months back when you were trying to figure out the Council’s affiliations and could not find mine. For the record, I am also the treasurer of the local DTC.
I rather doubt that this is the big news that “someone” told you to look out for.
My fellow Councilors, Carroll & Medeiros, have been very clear of their intentions for sometime now.

16 years ago

“Just remember that it is always easier to sit on the sidelines & criticize those who do the work rather than jumping in and doing it yourself.”
Here’s another old adage for you, Mr. Edwards: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
Should you win your race, your haughty attitude will fit right in at the GenAss. Thanks for giving us a peek at the real you.

Justin Katz
16 years ago

I’m too busy, too poor, and too unlikable.
Who’s taking it easy and sitting on the sidelines? How many people have told you that they hope your house burns down in the past week?

16 years ago

“How many people have told you that they hope your house burns down in the past week?”
Very nice. A sentiment undoubtedly conveyed to you, Justin, by an ordinary, pro-good-government citizen who concurs with most of the questions and objections you raise on this site.

Justin Katz
16 years ago

Actually, several ordinary, pro-good-government citizens.
But that strays from the point, which is that I’m tiring of comments such as Mr. Edwards’s that stepping into the light and offering an opinion in multiple public venues is tantamount to sitting back on the porch chair and bitching to one’s friends.

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