The Wrong Starting Point
Well, the governor’s tax panel appears to be a bit more in line with the state’s needs than his transportation panel, but we really have to turn this starting point around:
Overall, “The goal is to develop . . . alternatives that would be revenue neutral . . . but would present options that would increase tax competitiveness” compared with other states, said [Edward] Cooney, who also chairs the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce.
Why “revenue neutral”? At least at the beginning of an actual recovery, our policies are going to have to be revenue negative.
“Why “revenue neutral”? At least at the beginning of an actual recovery, our policies are going to have to be revenue negative.”
Governor Carcieri is a former banker and businessman. People selected to provide input and suggestions to tax proposals on these select panels of the Governor are closely related to business.
So what you’ve got is the “Fox writing guarding proposals for the Chicken Coop”.
Nobody is going to suggest anything that will negatively impact their business.
Justin face facts; you and your family are disposable compared to people on the governor’s select panels.