Listening in on the School Committee

Here’s some significant audio from last night’s school committee meeting in Tiverton, as I described on scene. A key take-away from the evening is that almost half of the $300,000+ that the school district must cut from the 2009-2010 budget to stay within the state spending cap is a direct result of this contract’s approval. Unless the committee plans to cut teacher pay next year, that means either layoffs or decreases in other budget items, which already constitute a lower percentage of per-student spending than is true for the state as a whole.

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15 years ago

Everybody in town must be soooo proud that days after being upheld in court their SC refused to cut teacher pay or increse co-pays or take away the loathsome “buyback” scam.
Instead they did just what the communist, pedophile infested NEA wanted and:
Enjoy your tax hikes Tiverton!

15 years ago

This may have been passed after the 2005 brouhaha about comments at public meetings, but there’s nothing currently in Rhode Island law that requires a school committee to not listen or not repsond to comments on school performance… 42-46-6(d) Nothing within this chapter shall prohibit any public body, or the members thereof, from responding to comments initiated by a member of the public during a properly noticed open forum even if the subject matter of a citizen’s comments or discussions were not previously posted, provided such matters shall be for informational purposes only and may not be voted on except where necessary to address an unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action to protect the public or to refer the matter to an appropriate committee or to another body or official. Nothing contained in this chapter requires any public body to hold an open forum session, to entertain or respond to any topic nor does it prohibit any public body from limiting comment on any topic at such an open forum session. No public body, or the members thereof, may use this section to circumvent the spirit or requirements of this chapter. A public body can choose to limit the topics that are discussed and there’s not even a requirement that what happened during the “official” part of the meeting be an “allowed” topic. I think if a content restriction ever gets seriously challenged, it’s going to be found to run afoul of the First Amendment protection of the right of peaceable assembly and maybe even the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. On the other hand, the attitude expressed by too many public officials that discussion of services delivered is out-of-bounds is oh-so-Rhode-Island, where the job of the government is to take your money, and the public… Read more »

15 years ago

Mike, have there been examples of current NEA members being pedophiles? I’m no fan of the NEA or its tactics, but that’s probably a stronger charge than to call them murderers. If you have evidence of current members being pedophiles, that’s one thing, but if it’s just a belief you hold, that’s not really appropriate for a comments section. Rip them up and down for things they do, not just what you think they do. If you’re a proponent of AnchorRising, comments like that do not help, it just makes readers of the site look like far right-wing whack jobs. (Ok someone from the left, go ahead and add the comment “look like?”)

15 years ago

Mike, have there been examples of current NEA members being pedophiles?
Uh, yeah. Like you had a teacher and a a former teacher (now principal) charged in THE SAME WEEK in November. Look at the projo article by Tatiana Pina on November 26, 2008 Page B-2. Not to mention a psycho NEA member in Lincoln (Pat Crowley’s hometown) who drove his gasoline packed car into Lincoln High School trying to kill kids but fortunately only managed to kill himself. See projo article by John Hill, November 27, 2008 Page B-1.
Here is a list of 10 NEA/AFT teachers convicted of [crimes associated with relationships with students] in RI.
Without breaking a sweat I present 10 :
[List redacted because of inaccurate information.]
If you care for more go to
and search the words TEACHER SENTENCED and you will find an NEA or AFT teacher arrested for pedophilia literally every day. Because they are part of the Atheist Left you do not here about this holocaust from the mainstream media or local 2 legged vermin like Ian Donnis but “The mainstream media have heavily covered sex-abuse scandals in the
Catholic Church, but some say the national news media have ignored an
estimated 5 million students who have been sexually abused by their
public-school teachers.
Terri Miller, president of Stop Educator Sexual Abuse, Misconduct and
Exploitation, suggested a cover up by school officials.
“Reports aren’t being made by administrators when these allegations
come to light,” she said.

15 years ago

Hey, just from TODAY’s news we have:
A former teacher who spent 20 years working for Gonzales High School was sentenced Tuesday to five years of probation and 180 days in jail for possessing child pornography and child exploitation.
GARDEN CITY, GA (WTOC) – A female teacher’s aid charged with molesting and raping a 15-year-old male student was back in court today. This time her attorney lashed out at investigators.
A former high school English teacher from Frostburg has pleaded guilty to a sex offense with a 15-year-old male student,0,780589.story
DOVER, N.H. (AP) – A former longtime New Hampshire school administrator has been convicted of sexually assaulting a little girl five years ago. Reid had been a teacher in Rollinsford and Somersworth
Chai’s life was normal, that is until he was molested by a teacher.
That’s just today. There will be more torrow and the day after that and…
Because they are part of the Atheist Left they get a free ride from sludge like Ian Donnis or the official RI apologist for pedophile’s; the vile “Rhody”.

15 years ago

“there’s nothing currently in Rhode Island law that requires a school committee to not listen or not repsond to comments on school performance”
So school committees make rules up on the basis of nothing. Sort of like handing out raises (double raises in some cases) for a couple of decades completely detached from and devoid of the concept of merit.

Arthur Thomas
Arthur Thomas
15 years ago

Is it possible to contact Mike who entered postings on 1/28/09 at 8:31AM, 7:45PM, and 8:10PM?
I would very much like to discuss his postings and perhaps secure further information from him on those topics.
Thank You,
Art Thomas

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