Chariho District Votes Today
Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton are holding a referendum today on the school budget for Chariho District. From Andrew Martin of the Chariho Times…
Voters will have the final say all-day April 7 on the proposed $53.3 million Chariho Regional School District budget for fiscal year 2009-10.A few sources familiar with the situation have told me that they expect the vote to be close.
The budget represents a small increase over the current fiscal year, which stands at $53.1 million. But, after revenue, the member towns’ contribution actually sees a decrease for the upcoming fiscal year.
The current 2008-09 fiscal year’s total member towns’ contribution is $49.5 million. This coming year’s budget proposal calls for $49.3 million – a decrease of $210,798.
Chariho, like many other schools and towns, have been over budgeting for years thus stockpiling surplus. In this budget, $2.25mm from the surplus is being applied to the operating budget. So, while the money requested from the towns is relatively flat, costs have actually gone up 4.5%. Just kicking the can down the road…
But the three towns are still down over 500k each (cuts in state aid, lower revenues, etc) – since the school is 80ish% of the budget, we expected more relief than minimal increases.
Bill Felkner, Hopkinton Town Council
Every vote really does count
526 yes
527 No
Budget rejected by 1 vote.
What happens now, Bill?