A YouTube Star Is Born
While I was toiling away in obscurity inside the West Warwick Senior Center, last night, Andrew was outside getting famous:
While I was toiling away in obscurity inside the West Warwick Senior Center, last night, Andrew was outside getting famous:
78 views,in one day????
The video I posted of Mrs Carcieri calling the Asian kids terrorist got
36,000 views in 8 days, before the folks at youtube took it down,because
it was insulting to Asian kids
(The Asian kids were honor rool, and deans list kids)
Hi – Do you guys know anything about a youtube user named “IAMHighOnLife”? Check out the comments he has made on my Youtube channel regarding Andrew. Weird, indeed!. Nice to meet you last night, Andrew! Vicki
I just blocked him – he won’t be leaving any more comments.
Gee, Taylor, my comment was tongue in cheek. Week can’t all be as super cool as you.
Two points…
Iamhighonlife YouTube user
Is a 59 year old,retired soldier (24 years) and Vietnam Veteran,now a property manager. Who has NO USE for
right-wingnut Pro-war, Chicken-Hawk Cowards who chose NOT TO FIGHT FOR THEIR COUNTRY
Like Carcieri,Katz and Carroll or whatever her name is today (andy)
And yet you have plenty of interest in wasting time insulting those folks for whom you have “no use,” even going so far as to aver extensive knowledge of our comment sections.
I’d suggest that you get plenty of “use” out of us… stroking your own ego.
Well said, Mark and Andrew!
Chirp, Chirp, pipes up Monique.