Costa Encounters the Pitiful Enemy

It appears that vocal Tea Party figure and District 31 candidate for the General Assembly’s House Doreen Costa has attracted the attention of some mentally deficient (probably unstable) supporter of the status quo:

According to a police report, the car also contained “expensive electronics such as a navigation system, CD player, and IPod which was never touched or tampered with.”
“They just destroyed all my political stuff,” Costa told Political Scene, adding that the following week someone smashed eggs on her car. “The trooper said it was someone making a statement because nothing was stolen.”

Pictures on Doreen’s Facebook page reveal the attack to be minimally disruptive, consisting mainly of spilled campaign materials:

It’s always a little unsettling to encounter such evidence that one can’t know what’s going on in the minds of others. Of course, being a Jersey boy, I lock my van obsessively, much to the annoyance of coworkers who wish to borrow my tools during the course of the workday.

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14 years ago

“It didn’t appear that anything was stolen from the car, parked in her North Kingstown driveway, unlocked with the keys in the ignition, according to the police report”
She leaves her keys in the ignition ?
So that any 12 year old kid, can drive
it away ?
Like leaving a loaded handgun on the front seat

14 years ago

“It didn’t appear that anything was stolen from the car, parked in her North Kingstown driveway, unlocked with the keys in the ignition, according to the police report”
She leaves her keys in the ignition ?
So that any 12 year old kid, can drive
it away ?
Like leaving a loaded handgun on the front seat

14 years ago

Being a Rhode Island boy, I’m thinking the vandalism was done by somebody she knows who wouldn’t know a Tea Party from a Flea Party.

14 years ago

What did she expect leaving her car unlocked? Some personal responsibility would have gone a long way, but instead of guarding her own possessions and being a responsible citizen she rather call the police and let someone else do the job. What would Glenn Beck and his 9-12 principles say?
Kidding aside, politics is dirty in this state regards to campaigning. You must expect the unexpected regardless of how disgusting it is. HOWEVER, nothing was really destroyed it seems nor was anything stolen. It really just looks like the work of a bunch of drunk kids from the neighborhood, that or its her attempt to get free media. Had it been political, wouldn’t the materials been ripped or destroyed so they couldn’t be used? Wouldn’t some sort of remark or insult be written to prove a point? Wouldn’t SOMETHING besides having papers thrown about have been done if it was really for political purposes? This seems wayyyy to fishy to me.

14 years ago

Not for opinion, but just for irony….consider that the Tea Party is all about the dumping of other people property!
Right? So this sounds like a patriotic move….and if Costa is really stupid enough to leave an ipod in an unlock car….what kind of gov. official would that make?
Hey, Justin, you jersey? South or North? I’m somewhat of a pine barrens creature myself.

14 years ago

“It really just looks like the work of a bunch of drunk kids from the neighborhood”
Doubtful. They targeted her political materials. Last week, someone egged her car. As Justin said, pretty clearly the work of a mentally unstable person supporting the status quo in Rhode Island.
P.S. And wouldn’t you have to be mentally unstable to support the status quo here …?

14 years ago

An unlocked car?
“If it weren’t for ****heads like you, there wouldn’t be any thievery in this world, would there?!”
– Gunnery Sergeant Hartman

14 years ago

Does anyone recall the candidate who had alledged that his opponent ,Patrick Kennedy, had had his automobile’s wheel lugs loosened in an attempt to cause an accident. That candidate had employed in his campaign a man that had had a record of campaign pranks that followed him from New Hampshire.
Now I am not making that accusation here in this case, but this sort of prank has been done before in RI. Notice too that in the case I offered there was no accident or any real damage by loosening the lugs. Their story which was breathlessly reported by old reliable WPRO was that the tampered family vehicle was saved from damage and its occupants from injury or death only by the candidate’s own sharp eyes. Maybe if a campaign worker seeking to smear an opponent with an accusation of unresponsible and illegal behavior actually caused real damage such as slashed tires then would that act it stand up to scrutiny from the police and insurance company examiners and it may end up costing the campaign money to repair the real damage. No its much more safe and almost as effective to do no real harm but to claim that harm was the intention of your rival and then get your media coverage.
“Pictures on Doreen’s Facebook page reveal the attack to be minimally disruptive, consisting mainly of spilled campaign materials:”
And you can get a like minded media person to call it an attack.

14 years ago

“It really just looks like the work of a bunch of drunk kids from the neighborhood”
Or perhaps drunks from Carter’s 19th Hole? She is after all running against their patriarch.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

I find it interesting that one Rhody,an anonymous poster here,has repeatedly claimed to feel threatened by me and states that he makes sure his car is locked and I don’t even know who he is.
I know he has a ponytail because the immature a-hole mentioned it to Christine Spaziano on RIF a few years ago.
Nevertheless,he continues to claim I am threatening him and a scumbag named Shana Kurland.
I think Shana Kurland is a disgusting individual and an anti-American activist,but she is so off the wall it’s hard to take her seriously.
This particular incident sounds cheesy.
Who leaves a car with all that gear unlocked?
My threat to Kurland?She referred to ICE agents as terrorists.I mentioned on the old N4N blog that she ought to meet a real terrorist and Rhody stuck his sh*tty nose in to start barking that I was threatening her.
This Rhody is a sleazebag.

14 years ago

I had planned to quietly step away from the fray, but Mr. Bernstein couldn’t resist.
People like Mr. Bernstein are the reason I always (and Ms. Costa should) keep their car doors locked, to protect ourselves against the sick and obsessed.
After taking a moment to laugh at (or take pity on) Mr. Bernstein, carry on.

14 years ago

A tempest in a tea pot.

David S
David S
14 years ago

Nice quote Dan. By the way, are you from Texas? And exactly how tall are you?

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

There goes Rhody-keyboard tough guy-you get excited by pretending to engage,just as long as you don’t have to take responsibility for what you say.

14 years ago

Mr. Bernstein lecturing on responsibility…priceless. It’s like Rod Blagojevich lecturing on ethics in government.

David S
David S
14 years ago

I lock my van conscientiously, much to the annoyance of coworkers who seek access to my tools during the course of the workday. A little better?
Costa should be a little more concientious. The new urban legend involves a vehicle break-in at a soccer game. The thieves, accessing the gps unit, had the owner’s address.
Justin does a decent job of reporting the reporting of this alleged break-in. Costa reports it and is the only person who claims it is political. Costa knows best.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

By “signing” what I say I take responsibility.
You are a punk.Smartass punk braying from cover.
If you can find one f**kin’ thing to bring up on me(re:similar to Blago)do so.
If you can’t it’ll be apparent you’re a lowlife fraud intruding here like a turd in a punchbowl.

14 years ago

Just wondering, Justin, can we elevate this to the point where we can go to war against some country? It seems to have about the same validity as WMD and attacking Iraq for 9/11.
Righties….what a bunch of babies! No wonder there seems to be no sane right wing in RI.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Stuart-Nancy Pelosi did a pretty good job of being an alarmist with wild accusations against supposed right wingers wanting to gun people down-it wasn’t that long ago.
Janet Napolitano also,making inuendos against returning Iraq veterans.
Yes,some troops come home and have meltdowns.Getting shot at tends to do that to some people;so does losing fellow servicemen and women.
Most of those meltdowns eventuate in domestic violence or homicides,tragic in themselves,but not the terrorism Napolitano inferred.Meaanwhile Islamic terrorists are called by euphenisms.
Right wingers have no monopoly on this nonsense.
I haven’t even mentioned Sheldon’s tirade about “white supremacists,Aryan nations supporters,etc”from a few months back.
So Stu-“c’mon man”

14 years ago

Hey Bernstein, what’s next? Bailing out every REAL criminal and REAL smartass punk you ever threw in prison to come after me?
C’mon, man…I think this whole forum is tired of your lounge act.

14 years ago

I dunno, I think it’s kind of funny.
Rhody, Pat Crowley and his union goons would give their collective left nut to have a swing at me. I decided a long time ago never to fear anyone again. By fearing gang-mentality bullies like the unionists you empower them. Even if I got a death threat in the mail I would just laugh and post it on the fridge. Cowards, all of them.
Also helps if you are 10 years younger and in better shape than the person threatening you. I advocate lifting weights.

14 years ago

Goes for anyone, Dan, no matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on.
I’ve heard a lot of people brag about what they’re going to do to me physically in my life. Hasn’t happened yet – I’m far from the toughest guy in the world, but there’s a lot of bluster involved when people say they’re coming after you (FWIW, I may agree with most of Crowley’s goals, but don’t often agree with his tactics – and I know it was union goons that used to assault anti-Vietnam War protesters).
The bullies HATE it…hate it! when you stand up to them, be it in public or here. And if you descend to the name-calling and make threats in response, they’ve beaten you. Why go through the mess of a fight when you can send them walking away shaking their heads? That’s more fun.:)

14 years ago

One time in Greece I tried to pass between two cars on a narrow street and rubbed against one of the cars that was parked a good two feet from the curb. When I complained to the cop about how the car was parked, he said “it didn’t give you a right to hit it. Just because Ms. Costa left her car unlocked doesn’t give anyone the right to enter it and vandalize it. Just classic for the left to blame the victim when the victim just happens to be conservative. Notice how liberals’, expecially the entrenched union-backed ones’ properties never get vandalized. Or if it does, the truth eventually gets out that it was a “Tawana Brawley” job.

Pat Crowley
Pat Crowley
14 years ago

Actually, the idea that it was union goons that assualted anti-war protestors is a myth. The UAW, 1199, and several other unions helped fund many of the later anti-Vietnam marches. Did Labor come to the game late? Yes indeed, just like most of the Aemrican people. The so-called hard hat riot’s was actually a staged event….
And who is this Dan guy? A swing at you? Please, don’t flatter yourself…and speaking as someone who has recieved those death threats …everyone talks a big game until they actually get one of those little things in the mail…then its not so much fun. Its not something to brag about or be a tough guy about.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Crowley-you weren’t even alive when the “hard hat” incident took place. I remember that it was union construction workers that attacked a group of mainly college students.It was organized,but “staged”?No. I and my family have been threatened by people quite capable of doing exactly what they said.I had to send my family out of state.I didn’t go anywhere.The people who made the threats aren’t around any more-they all got an expense paid trip to their country of origin. I got more routine threats in the course of my job.About 10% of them concerned me. Now,this is all a long time ago,but I get amused when some guy I don’t know from a hydrant makes himself feel important by pretending to be threatened. You,Crowley, have pissed off enough people in this state with your pugnacious attitude to have some real reason for concern.But I am sure you knew that going in. To begin with,threatening someone is dirt stupid.If something happens to them,you might have to explain yourself even if you did nothing,so why go there to begin with? So many leftists like you have these stock phrases ready at the drop of a hat-“Brown people”,fascists,racists,rich guys,etc,etc.You recycle the same old stuff over and over. When David Segal started telling me about the overthrow of the Arbenz regime,I was astounded-the homegrown fellow travellers of the communist movement were ranting about that when I was in grade school in the Fifties. And Pat-if you want to know who went to Vietnam-it was working class and middle class guys.The pooerst of the poor whether rural or ghetto often had literacy problems,criminal records,or drug addistion histories.And some just ignored the draft registration. The rich and privileged hid out in school or via other cheesy deferments. The unions were neevr monolithic about that war.The trade unions… Read more »

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Crowley-you weren’t even alive when the “hard hat” incident took place. I remember that it was union construction workers that attacked a group of mainly college students.It was organized,but “staged”?No. I and my family have been threatened by people quite capable of doing exactly what they said.I had to send my family out of state.I didn’t go anywhere.The people who made the threats aren’t around any more-they all got an expense paid trip to their country of origin. I got more routine threats in the course of my job.About 10% of them concerned me. Now,this is all a long time ago,but I get amused when some guy I don’t know from a hydrant makes himself feel important by pretending to be threatened. You,Crowley, have pissed off enough people in this state with your pugnacious attitude to have some real reason for concern.But I am sure you knew that going in. To begin with,threatening someone is dirt stupid.If something happens to them,you might have to explain yourself even if you did nothing,so why go there to begin with? So many leftists like you have these stock phrases ready at the drop of a hat-“Brown people”,fascists,racists,rich guys,etc,etc.You recycle the same old stuff over and over. When David Segal started telling me about the overthrow of the Arbenz regime,I was astounded-the homegrown fellow travellers of the communist movement were ranting about that when I was in grade school in the Fifties. And Pat-if you want to know who went to Vietnam-it was working class and middle class guys.The pooerst of the poor whether rural or ghetto often had literacy problems,criminal records,or drug addistion histories.And some just ignored the draft registration. The rich and privileged hid out in school or via other cheesy deferments. The unions were neevr monolithic about that war.The trade unions… Read more »

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Sorry for the double entry.

14 years ago

Usually in cases like this they find that the victim did it to themselves for attention.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Most of the time in RI when there is vandalism or something similar with regard to campaign materials,it isn’t a left/right thng,but more a reaction by the entrenched powers that be to a challenge to their sinecure.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
14 years ago

“a mentally unstable person supporting the status quo in Rhode Island.”
Sounds like a good definition of “progressive”.

14 years ago

It was most definitely the Unions that beat up the anti-war protesters. That is valid history.
I remember it.
The unions were the so-called “right” at the time… know, God and Country, Family Values, Hard Working, etc.
Now, the right is think tanks, corporate funded astroturf and big business. Much has changed.

14 years ago

The Hard Hat Riot occurred on May 8, 1970, near the intersection of Wall Street and Broad Street and at New York City Hall. The riot started about noon when about 200 construction workers mobilized by the New York State AFL-CIO attacked about 1,000 high school and college students and others protesting the Kent State shootings, the American invasion of Cambodia and the Vietnam War. The riot lasted little more than two hours, and ended of its own accord. More than 70 people were injured, including four policemen. Six people were arrested.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

right Stuie-I was still in the service,staioned in New Hampshire,which was a nice change from Nam.
A lot of those construction workers were Korean and WW2 veterans.
They had little patience with spoiled brats and egghead professors.These were the people who grew up barely knowing what a Republican was,but wound up voting for Nixon and Reagan.
No rich guys there Stuie.
I have little,actually,no respect for neocons who push for a war they would never go near in person.
The Vietnamese never sem to have held a grudge.Too practical minded.They’d rather manufacture things to sell here.
The Islamic backwaters will still be Islamic backwaters in 100 years.They are ruled by medieval scum.They terrorize their own populations and try to restrict free thought and expression.
The Islamic nations of the Far east like Malaysia and Indonesia aren’t in the same category.

14 years ago

The unions were the so-called “right” at the time… know, God and Country, Family Values, Hard Working, etc.
Now, the right is think tanks, corporate funded astroturf and big business. Much has changed.
The unions are still right. Most of the time.

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