The Careful Language of the Union’s Governor

Ted Nesi is a bit too credulous about statements from Governor-elect Lincoln Chafee’s spokesman, Mike Trainor:

… Chafee spokesman Mike Trainor told me in a phone interview a few minutes ago. “I just spoke to the governor-elect about this, and with all due respect, you may be jumping to conclusions that are not necessarily accurate,” he said. (Who, me?)
“Gov.-elect Chafee does not have any plans for a wholesale replacement of the Board of Regents,” Trainor explained. “He’s going to look at each of the members in light of their experience and their relationship to his education philosophy. But it would be wrong to speculate that the entire board is going to be replaced.”

So, Chafee doesn’t have plans to replace every voice of education reform in Rhode Island government, but he has yet to determine who will be willing to conform with “his education philosophy.” I’d say it’s fair to expect to see either capitulation by the appointed office holders or a conflict after which we’ll hear from Trainor that some board member or commissioner was entirely out of sync with the governor’s expectations for education in Rhode Island… yadda yadda.
Nesi also points to some profiles of Diane Ravitch, who apparently has contributed much to Chafee’s “education philosophy.” Ravitch’s may be a familiar name as somebody who has switched from the choice-and-accountability movement to… well, to whatever the opposing side is. I’ve addressed her conversion here and here.

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14 years ago

Good bye Angus Davis! Ya me despido Ana Cano Morales!

14 years ago

“to… well, to whatever the opposing side is”
The opposite of the choice-and-accountability movement is the current state of education in Rhode Island: teacher pay in the top 20% and student achievement in the bottom 20%.
That’s clearly the path that cannot be continued if we’re serious about giving our children a good education.

14 years ago

“to… well, to whatever the opposing side is”
Hire more public school teachers and reduce class size. Fully fund federal and state mandates at state and federal levels and stop reliance on local property taxes to fund public schools. Do not siphon off funds for experimental charter schools. Let the billionaires fund them if they want. Do not continue the Bush tax cuts for billionaires. Have billionaires such as Bill Gates pay his full share of taxes.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Charter schools are no longer experimental.Some are very good,some aren’t.
Class size is bullsh*t.I attended school with very large classes in the 40 student range or even more and received a good education.
Class size is eyewash for union hacks and those promoting easy explanations.
One problem plaguing RI is the significant number of non-English speakers who have not been educated in their OWN language.
People educated in their native language respond well to ESL,but those who are basically illiterate in any language create a drag on the system.
that’s just the truth which may not sit well with the leftist contingent here.

Justin Katz
14 years ago

Yes, that’s it; thank you: The tax and union-funding side is the opposite of the choice and accountability side.

14 years ago

You want simplicity?
The blue collar, hard working side is the opposite of the elitist education reform side.
If you had been in smaller classes you may not have become confused as to what I wrote and what some vile creature that names itself Tommy Cranston writes.

Justin Katz
14 years ago

Uh-huh. We hard-working blue collar folks have been so well served by the current system. I took particular note that Tiverton’s NEA leader sends her children to the elite St. Philomena’s school in Portsmouth.
Whatever you consider your collar to be, Phil, I’d suggest that you need to question those who presume to lead you by it.

14 years ago

“Uh-huh. We hard-working blue collar folks have been so well served by the current system.”
How far back do you consider current?
Republicans, Democrats, Conservatives, Liberals…what difference does it make?

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Phil-I thought of something nasty to say to you,but why bother?
I made an observation on what I experienced and you came up with a smartass remark which seems to be your hallmark of late.
You and OTL seemingly have run out of any responses which meaningful and have to stick with your wasted left wing drivel.

David S
David S
14 years ago

Joe- it may be easier this way-please let us know what one or two topics out there you know nothing about and you cannot relate back to your old work days.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

David S-go f**k yourself.I’m done conversing with scumbags.

14 years ago

Also in the same vein he could tell us who is not a “scumbag”.

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