A (Temporary) Gubernatorial “Deployment”: Bravo, Governor

There probably isn’t a single policy issue about which I agree with Governor Chafee. But this is a very good thing that he is doing.

Governor Chafee is visiting with Rhode Island troops deployed in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan this week as part of a tour sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense.
“They were grateful to see a Rhode Islander, to see the governor come out and pay an interest in what they’re doing in Kuwait, what they’re doing here in Afghanistan,” Gov. Chafee said Wednesday by satellite from Bagram Air Base. “I was surprised how grateful they were that someone was showing an interest and listening to the challenges they’re facing.”
The trip began with a meeting with U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta at the Pentagon before heading overseas.

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12 years ago

Let me translate – “I was shocked they were as nice to me as they were since I know they despise me.”
Linc Chafee’s first get together with the RI National Guard as Gov was a ceremony down at Quonset. All the pols were there along with the Guard and their families. Of all the speakers Chafee gave the briefest remarks and when the ceremony ended he never mingled with or greeted the Guard and their families.
What he did do was ask for a personal tour of the helicopters and then he left.
Chafee didn’t go on this trip to show support for the RI troops.
Chafee went on this trip because he likes the action.

12 years ago

For the life of me i can’t understand why the gov. can not put together a supplemental unemployment package for those that have worked on commission or where veterans. We have to many rhode islanders that have fallen into these two gaps its astounding. These are real people who are living very real lives and they now feel like the burden is completely on them. We need to form a exploratory committee to help those who worked for non-profits on commission, those suffering with ptsd, and those who simply have been out of work for years. Small things like helping them get around to search for work can make all the difference in the world.
GSA and TDI is helpful but they shouldn’t grow dependent on those things. This is would be such a win-win if the GOV. would start a positive living campaign right here in RI!

12 years ago

For the life of me i can’t understand why the gov. can not put together a supplemental unemployment package for those that have worked on commission or where veterans. We have to many rhode islanders that have fallen into these two gaps its astounding. These are real people who are living very real lives and they now feel like the burden is completely on them. We need to form a exploratory committee to help those who worked for non-profits on commission, those suffering with ptsd, and those who simply have been out of work for years. Small things like helping them get around to search for work can make all the difference in the world.
GSA and TDI is helpful but they shouldn’t grow dependent on those things. This would be such a win-win if the GOV. would start a positive living campaign right here in RI!

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