Unintended Consequences: ACA’s Negative Impact on Workers

Deroyal Industries is a manufacturer of a wide variety of medical devices. They have over 2000 employees in 26 states and 5 countries. According to their President/COO, both the company and its employees will be negatively impacted by the ACA’s new tax on medical devices (h/t).

July 12, 2012
The medical device tax constitutes the largest cost increase DeRoyal has experienced in its 40-year history. We are working to mitigate this impact in a number of ways from both a revenue and cost perspective. Even in the face of this challenge we are doing everything within our power to preserve US jobs in this incredibly difficult economic environment.
Bill Pittman, President & COO

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12 years ago

Did any RI Congressman vote for that medical device tax?

12 years ago

Tip of the iceberg. Wait until you have to to to “exchanges” to see if you are eligible for services. “Take a number…the Kommisar is busy”.

12 years ago

Good question, Patrick.
Any congressperson or senator who voted for the ACA (aka, ObamaCare) voted for all 21 of those taxes, including the medical device tax, and also voted to cut $500 billion from Medicare. This list includes Langevin, Kennedy, Reed and Whitehouse (all D-RI).
Any congressperson who says that they approve of the ACA and would have voted for it supports all 21 of those taxes, including the medical device tax, and also supports the $500 billion cut to Medicare. On this list is Cicilline (D-RI).

12 years ago

“Wait until you have to to to “exchanges” to see if you are eligible for services.”
Hey, Anthony: and, at some point, you might well have to go and see a Death Panel (which, despite the indignant denials of ObamaCare supporters, absolutely do exist under ObamaCare, though obviously they don’t call them that) and hope that you fit their criteria for receiving medical care.

12 years ago

“you might well have to go and see a Death Panel “…right Monique.
Saw a Twilight Zone (The state does not approve!) many years ago and a Star Trek too (The one where they killed people so no war would transpire). Science Fiction is becoming reality under HusseinCare. Hussein wants control. Control “health” care and they control you. The would be dictator is doing this under “fairness” and “I’m from the govt. and I’m here to help”. Caveat Emptor to all Obama supporters. He’s gonna feed you Soylent Green.

12 years ago

“you might well have to go and see a Death Panel ”
Oh, brother. I didn’t think anyone around here actually took that stuff seriously.

12 years ago

“The medical device tax constitutes the largest cost increase DeRoyal has experienced in its 40-year history.”
Oh, come on. A 2.3% increase? The average household costs go up that much nearly every year.

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