Selecting a New Republican Chair (and a Few Other Officers)
[10:22] The parliamentarian has ruled the vote invalid, and the Charimanship will be revoted on another night.
[10:19] Hall over Olson 109 – 75 for 2nd Vice Chair. Platform fails 95 – 85. Calise over Talan 112 – 68. Smiley over Harrop 94 – 93 BUT that’s one more vote than the number of people checked in.
[9:57] Still waiting…
[9:15] Results coming soon, Mark Zaccaria is promising…
[8:32] Back online! We only have the at large delegates to go.
[7:50] Looks like I have to move…
[7:48] And we go to the vote. I need to figure out if I’m blogging from the table where the ballot box is supposed to be…
[7:47] Smiley will make this a full time commitment, more than 4o hours a week if necessary.
[7:46] John Robitaille is supposed to 2nd, but he’s been delayed. Mark Smiley speaks for himself.
[7:45] Mark Smiley has a plan. Everything he does is well organized and well thought out, and that’s what’s needed to build our bigger tent.
[7:44] The GOP needs a closer relationship with the people of Rhode Island. “We need to build a bigger tent”. The opposition has JFK Democrats and socialist progressives under the same tent.
[7:43] Barry Hinckley introduces Mark Smiley. Hinckley gets biggest applause in the room so far.
[7:42] Two things we need in a chair– a fundraiser in chief, and a message that all are welcome under the big tent of pro-growth fiscal responsibility and limited government.
[7:41] Catherine Taylor gives the 2nding speech. 2014 is an opportunity for the GOP to gain in the GA and the Gen Offices.
[7:40] He understands what it is to be a candidate with the Republican label, in one of the toughest environments for a Republican there is. He knows where the party needs to go, reaching out to minorities and women, and helping to craft a strong economic message.
[7:39] Harrop is an accomplished fundraiser who’s helped candidates throughout Rhode Island.
[7:38] The upcoming off-year elections are a big opportunity for the party to gain seats.
[7:37] Allan Fung steps to the podium to nominate Dr. Daniel Harrop for chair (endorsed candidate)
[7:36] Main event, coming up…
[7:33] Dave will make sure the chair lives a healthy lifestyle, to reduce the chance he will assume the position full time. In the meantime, he will do anything and everything else to help the party, with an emphasis on communications.
[7:32] A spontaneous floor demonstration of 3 floor signs for Dave Talan makes it way to the front of the room.
[7:30] Dave Talan speaks on his campaign for first vice-Chair. Proudly speaks of his 8th ward Republican little league team — Allan Fung is a veteran of the little league.
[7:28] He’s the candidate who will put the party in the best possible position to win in 2014. He won’t let the opposition define us — he’s been an online specialist, will take the battle to the Democrats in the social media space.
[7:26] Gio Calise speaking: What does it mean to be a Republican? That’s something we need to think of going into the next election cycle. We need to be the party of opportunity. Immigrants, people who grow up in poverty can thrive, when they realized they are not limited by government.
[7:24] Rogers: We need to make the future of the Republican party about our young people — Calise will bring youthful enthusiasm to this role.
[7:22] Rep. Patricia Morgan was scheduled to nominate Gio Calise for 1st Vice-Chair, she’s probably at a committee meeting, says Mark Zaccaria, Meg Rogers (recent Anchor Rising contributor) will stand in.
[7:18] Pat Sweeney is giving the nominating speech for Danny Hall. Barbara Fenton seconds.
[7:17] Phil Hirons just gave a nominating speech for Lester Olson, for 2nd Vice-Chair
[7:15] Arrived late to tonight’s RI Republican State Central Committee, where a new chair will be nominated.
[10:19] Hall over Olson 109 – 75 for 2nd Vice Chair. Platform fails 95 – 85. Calise over Talan 112 – 68. Smiley over Harrop 94 – 93 BUT that’s one more vote than the number of people checked in.
[9:57] Still waiting…
[9:15] Results coming soon, Mark Zaccaria is promising…
[8:32] Back online! We only have the at large delegates to go.
[7:50] Looks like I have to move…
[7:48] And we go to the vote. I need to figure out if I’m blogging from the table where the ballot box is supposed to be…
[7:47] Smiley will make this a full time commitment, more than 4o hours a week if necessary.
[7:46] John Robitaille is supposed to 2nd, but he’s been delayed. Mark Smiley speaks for himself.
[7:45] Mark Smiley has a plan. Everything he does is well organized and well thought out, and that’s what’s needed to build our bigger tent.
[7:44] The GOP needs a closer relationship with the people of Rhode Island. “We need to build a bigger tent”. The opposition has JFK Democrats and socialist progressives under the same tent.
[7:43] Barry Hinckley introduces Mark Smiley. Hinckley gets biggest applause in the room so far.
[7:42] Two things we need in a chair– a fundraiser in chief, and a message that all are welcome under the big tent of pro-growth fiscal responsibility and limited government.
[7:41] Catherine Taylor gives the 2nding speech. 2014 is an opportunity for the GOP to gain in the GA and the Gen Offices.
[7:40] He understands what it is to be a candidate with the Republican label, in one of the toughest environments for a Republican there is. He knows where the party needs to go, reaching out to minorities and women, and helping to craft a strong economic message.
[7:39] Harrop is an accomplished fundraiser who’s helped candidates throughout Rhode Island.
[7:38] The upcoming off-year elections are a big opportunity for the party to gain seats.
[7:37] Allan Fung steps to the podium to nominate Dr. Daniel Harrop for chair (endorsed candidate)
[7:36] Main event, coming up…
[7:33] Dave will make sure the chair lives a healthy lifestyle, to reduce the chance he will assume the position full time. In the meantime, he will do anything and everything else to help the party, with an emphasis on communications.
[7:32] A spontaneous floor demonstration of 3 floor signs for Dave Talan makes it way to the front of the room.
[7:30] Dave Talan speaks on his campaign for first vice-Chair. Proudly speaks of his 8th ward Republican little league team — Allan Fung is a veteran of the little league.
[7:28] He’s the candidate who will put the party in the best possible position to win in 2014. He won’t let the opposition define us — he’s been an online specialist, will take the battle to the Democrats in the social media space.
[7:26] Gio Calise speaking: What does it mean to be a Republican? That’s something we need to think of going into the next election cycle. We need to be the party of opportunity. Immigrants, people who grow up in poverty can thrive, when they realized they are not limited by government.
[7:24] Rogers: We need to make the future of the Republican party about our young people — Calise will bring youthful enthusiasm to this role.
[7:22] Rep. Patricia Morgan was scheduled to nominate Gio Calise for 1st Vice-Chair, she’s probably at a committee meeting, says Mark Zaccaria, Meg Rogers (recent Anchor Rising contributor) will stand in.
[7:18] Pat Sweeney is giving the nominating speech for Danny Hall. Barbara Fenton seconds.
[7:17] Phil Hirons just gave a nominating speech for Lester Olson, for 2nd Vice-Chair
[7:15] Arrived late to tonight’s RI Republican State Central Committee, where a new chair will be nominated.
“The parliamentarian has ruled the vote invalid, and the Charimanship will be revoted on another night.”
Hanging chads have come to Rhode Island!
Send in the lawyers!!
Let the lawsuits fly!!!
Hi Andrew and Monique!
See, this is what happens when I’m not there to help with the check-in! ;P
The Parliamentarian (Raymond McKay) absolutely did the right thing declaring the vote invalid given the totality of the circumstances involved. No one wanted to do it, but it just had to be done.
There were no shenanigans, it’s just that someone’s name didn’t get marked off on the list during the check-in process, but they got a ballot anyway. 187 votes were cast, but only 186 were checked off at registration. It has happened in the past, however the margin wasn’t only 1 vote, as it was tonight. Regardless of who was ahead or not, you don’t want to come in with any cloud of doubt as to the legitimacy of the result.
I pity any RIGOP Delegate who didn’t make it to the Convention tonight, because they’re going to drag you to the re-vote in a few weeks… willing or not!
Sorry I missed you all (first RIGOP Convention I’ve missed in nearly 10 ten years).
Will… former RIGOP Delegate, now living comfortably in GOP friendly Virginia.
i’m amazed at the results. Harrop was “supposed” to win by a landslide. I guess the old boy network finally figured out how much baggage he has.