There’s only one reason to ban bulletproof vests for citizens…

as New York has done.  It’s to make civilians more vulnerable.  Supporters framed their intention as making bad people more vulnerable to the police, as during mass shootings, but the ban doesn’t apply only to bad actors.

As simple common sense, policies designed to make people more vulnerable ought to be approached with suspicion.  They are difficult to reconcile with the notion that we are a nation of free, independent people.

Keep in mind that, according to a Southern Poverty Law Center poll, nearly half of Democrat men under age 50 support assassination of political figures they don’t like.  Unfortunately, that’s just the biggest cut of the data.  The percentages of Republican women (40%), Republican men (34%), and Democrat women (32%) in that age group supporting political assassination are way too high and contrast hugely with those over 50, who remember more-chaotic times and are much less likely to support assassination.

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