Politics This Week: Pols Pandering to “Rhode Island Values”

Returning to a longer once-a-week segment on WNRI 1380 AM/95.1 FM, John DePetro and Justin Katz discuss:

  • Matos on national media
  • Who invited McKee to the party?
  • … well, he’ll pander while there
  • Cranston police defend Miller response
  • Licenses for illegals
  • Homeless where the nursing home used to be


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Ann Marie Delfino
Ann Marie Delfino
1 year ago

I’m tired of hearing about these people being the first of this nationality or sexual persuasion or color when in all reality they were put on a ticket to help win an election by pandering to what are called the marginalized groups. This is where the pandering is. All this has done is propagate the notion that no one has to have experience or any leadership capabilities or even common sense when it comes to finances to run for public offices which is why everything is falling apart at the seams.

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