By what authority is the Board of Elections discouraging votes for somebody duly placed on the ballot?

This is precisely the sort of application of supposed common sense without due process that incrementally undermines our rights.

Steph Machado tweet about BOE warning sign about Donald Carlson

There is no process for a candidate to remove him or herself from the ballot, and as far as I know, there are no standards in law or regulation for the Board of Elections to determine when it can post signage in a polling place discouraging voters from choosing a candidate.  This is very, very dangerous.

Voters can choose to vote for Carlson regardless of his statements, and if they don’t know he’s insisted he’s withdrawn, then maybe they deserve to see their votes thrown away.

Take particular note that Carlson used the word “suspend,” not “withdraw,” in his announcement (which has no legal effect). The BOE should not be doing this.

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