Why are the key questions of politics so easy to ignore?

This exchange between CNN’s Kaitlan Collins and former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr has made the rounds and received its share of commentary:

kaitlancollins: Bill Barr responds to Donald Trump mocking him after he said he would vote for him in 2024. And it's something.

To my mind, the most telling part is when Collins looks for a comparison among conservatives to progressive bureaucratic government impositions and points to a local library debate. What Barr should have asked is: “Do you think you’ll have a better chance changing policies you don’t like in your hometown or in Washington, D.C.?”

The notion that different activities are appropriate at different levels of government is too often glossed over, and it’s central to our civic system.  Arguably among the biggest contributors to growing division is the sense that progress means political questions are answered at higher and higher levels.  In that view, it’s great if your local library board promotes your beliefs, but it’s even better if the federal government does, because it affects more people.  That isn’t the pluralistic ideal of self-governance on which our country was founded.

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