The spin machine’s growth in audacity is becoming exponential.

It’s amazing how quickly things are moving.  Watching the news media conspire with the Democrat Party literally to deny facts about Kamala Harris and disappear them from the Internet makes Martin Gurri’s two-week-old musings on the Joe Biden coverup look tame:

With Biden, the establishment was presented with a difficult challenge: It was reality itself that needed fixing. The president, we have seen, is an inarticulate speaker, has a bizarre personality, is notoriously thin-skinned and lacks humor and charm as a public person. Furthermore, his administration has been responsible for one disaster after another, at home and abroad. All that had to be fixed. The fictional replica of Biden required an equally fictional—and magnificent—record of achievement.

In an effort that has to be unparalleled in our history, every American institution, from the prestige press to the digital platforms, from academia to the entertainment world and very much including the federal bureaucracy, was recruited to portray President Biden as the second coming of Abraham Lincoln. He was said to be caring, empathetic, a totally normal Everyday Joe who bonded easily with racial minorities—but also serious about his duties, the dignified adult in the room, a reliable ally who would never be manipulated by Vladimir Putin. His administration had defeated the pandemic, saved the economy, embraced migrants of all races, ended a forever war in Afghanistan and somehow protected Ukraine, Israel and Hamas simultaneously. As for the president’s age, he was old but wise, sharp in private though a stutterer in public and surrounded by the best and brightest in any case.

After Biden’s disastrous debate performance, I suggested on social media that the Democrat powerbrokers were evaluating just how far they were willing to go, and they subsequently decided.  They’ll go all the way.  They’ll destroy everything to remain in power.  They can’t go back.

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