From J6 to the Democrat convention, we’re entering a golden age of propaganda in America.

The past week has brought us a startling display of dishonesty from the Democrat Party.  Politicians with multiple mansions talked about not letting people take more than they need.  The Party’s stated policies, not to mention its level of respect for people who are not its supporters, are nearly inverted from what they’ve actually done while in power.  They’ve created the fictitious belief that hordes of Republicans mocked Tim Walz’s son and spread false rumors about a surprise celebrity guest to keep people watching through Harris’s speech o’ lies.

Fortuitously, this item reached the top of my to-post list this morning:

As you may recall, Hutchinson said that on January 6, as President Donald Trump was driven from his speech at a Save America rally to the White House, he “lunged” at the Secret Service driver when he learned that he wouldn’t be going to the Capitol Building for a “peaceful and patriotic” protest. That was the story she told the January 6 Committee.

Hutchinson, immediately turned into the darling of the Never Trump left. She testified before the January 6 Committee — which, coincidentally, put their documents into the wood-chipper too, small world — that the angry orange man caused quite a scene in the car.  …

Hutchinson’s “source” for the gossip was, she claimed, former Secret Service agent-turned-Trump White House Deputy Chief of Staff Tony Ornato. Ornato says he never witnessed the event, much less told her.

Furthermore, the IG’s redacted report says the Secret Service took more than four months before he made himself available where he reiterated that this Trump episode never happened. The other Secret Service agents who were in the car said Trump never lunged at the driver, though one reported that he was angry that he couldn’t go.

So much of what people think is real has entered their minds in this way.  Through lies and innuendo, Democrats created the impression of Donald Trump orchestrating a coup.  That’s the negative version of the massive propaganda push to recast Kamala Harris in a positive light.  If you’ve reached my level of suspicion, you’ll observe that the former gives them cover for by-any-means-necessary legal attacks, assassination attempts, and fraud, while the latter gives them plausible deniability for these things when they win… sorry, “win.”

Here’s how things look to me:  The Party knew that, in the absence of COVID, they couldn’t repeat Biden’s small-audience non-campaign of 2020, so once they’d forced Joe out because they couldn’t keep him under control and he couldn’t perform even minimally, they staged a series of identity-group online events as a pretense for campaign donation laundering, used those resources to generate a spectacle of a convention and fund a massive deception campaign, and are keeping their candidate away from extemporaneous interviews.  With perfected mail-ballot fraud and votes from illegal immigrants, they’ll likely avoid the much-too-conspicuous middle-of-the-night results switch that got them over the line in 2020.


Featured image Giovanni Bellini Four Allegories: Falsehood, downloaded from WikiArt.

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