I’d like to apologize to Representative Chippendale.
I just finished the latest Politics This Week segment with John DePetro, and in the course of the live conversation, I made a point that came out not as I intended, and I owe House Minority Leader Michael Chippendale an apology.
I was pointing out how advisors seem to keep Governor McKee away from negative or controversial matters, such as the high cost of the pallet shelters for the homeless. This, I suggested, is not just a matter of controlling the issues with which he’s associated, but also reflects the fact that the governor does from time to time say mean, dismissive things about people.
Thinking of an example on the spot, I imagined him saying something about the representative’s disability. I meant it fully from the stance of a friend who would find such a comment petty and irrelevant coming from a non-friend; indeed, it’s a reference to a conspicuously heroic example of overcoming a challenge. But as soon as I said it, I worried I’d missed the mark. I hope my intention was clear, but regardless, I don’t want to wait for somebody to object before I acknowledge an error that I would have edited out if it were written commentary or something similar.