The “Gun Safety Package”

Here is a link the General Assembly press release on the 9 bills to be introduced, labeled as the “gun safety package”. The two items likely to be most controversial are…

Gun Control and Safe Firearms Act: This bill bans the manufacture, sale, purchase or possession of semi-automatic assault weapons after July 1, 2013. It also bans high capacity magazines, belts, drums, feed strips or similar devices manufactured on or after July 1. It does not apply if the weapon is an antique, is inoperable, or was manufactured prior to July 1, 1963, and does not apply to an attached tubular device capable of operating only with .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.
Background Checks and Attorney General Permits (AG Kilmartin bill): These bills would require a person requesting a license or permit to carry a pistol or revolver to undergo national criminal background checks and will make the Attorney General’s office the license and/or permitting authority, as requested by local law enforcement officials.
Direct links to legislation to follow, when they become available.
Amanda Milkovits of the Projo has posted links to preliminary versions of the “gun safety package” bills. Here’s the definition of “semi-automatic assault rifles” that would be banned…
The term semiautomatic assault weapon means:
(1) A semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two (2) of the following characteristics:
&nbsp&nbsp(i) A folding or telescoping stock;
&nbsp&nbsp(ii) A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
&nbsp&nbsp(iii) A thumbhole stock;
&nbsp&nbsp(iv) A bayonet mount;
&nbsp&nbsp(v) A threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor, muzzle break, or muzzle compensator;
&nbsp&nbsp(vi) A grenade launcher…
(5) Provided, however, that such term does not include:
&nbsp&nbsp(i) Any rifle…that:
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp(A) Is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action;
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp(B) Has been rendered permanently inoperable; or
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp(C) Is an antique firearm as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(16);
&nbsp&nbsp(ii)A semiautomatic rifle that cannot accept a detachable magazine that holds more than ten (10) rounds of ammunition;

&nbsp&nbsp(iv) Any firearm, rifle, or shotgun that was manufactured prior to July 1, 1963;

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Phil Hirons, Jr.
Phil Hirons, Jr.
11 years ago

Pure cosmetics. I’m not 100% sure but that looks like the 1994 Federal ban list that thankfully expired. This is feel good, do nothing crap from the anti-gun crowd.

11 years ago

More garbage out of Chafee, Kilmartin, RISP and weak and pathetic GA members. We have plenty of criminal laws, enforce them against the criminals and leave the law abiding citizens alone.
In the meantime, the state is heading straight down the toilet; hard working, productive, taxpaying people are leaving RI; and our corrupt and weak brained elected officials are concentrating on making things better for murderers and illegal aliens.

11 years ago

Super. Make it harder for lawful citizens to obtain a concealed weapons permit. Local issue is must issue if a person meets requirements. The AG is may issue. Studies show liberalized CCW permitting lowers the murder rate. How any more RI ‘s need die due to the ignorance of our lawmakers?

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
11 years ago

“(iii) A thumbhole stock”
This is a characteristic of many “bench rest” target rifles and some “varmint” rifles. My Mannlicher has “double set triggers”, I wonder what they would make of that.
No flame suppressors, well there goes my night vision.
I wonder who will have access to all of the information obtained on gun owners. Not ready for a tin foil hat yet, but I do recall the scene in the original “Red Dawn” where the invaders immediately seize the list of gun owners. I remember because my date asked if such data was really kept. She was horrified, and Mid-Western. We both had 13th chromosomes that are shaped like Elephants,
No state regulates the ownership of flame throwers. Don’t believe it, check me out.
I noticed that today’s campus mayhem was committed with an exacto knife, I wonder if this is portentous.

11 years ago

Pols like Hussein and Missing Linc want to take guns away from the law abiding thinking that will magically stop gun violence. Criminals cheer along with the Mexican drug lords who were given guns (Fast and Furious) by Hussein himself. The end game is control of the (law abiding,tax paying) populace whether by ObunkoCare, gun control or govt. handouts. Pols fiddle while RI (and the US of A) burns.

11 years ago

Can someone please articulate how this will impact to any meaningful extent the illegal acquisition and possession of guns?

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
11 years ago

Warrington-as soon as I saw “Mannlicher”I knew it was you posting.Anyway-the Governor was frankly sounding kind of discombobulated when he referred to the Gianquitti case-it was one of maybe two illegal uses of legally owned firearms in the last 20 years in RI(excluding murder-suicide arising from a triangle or straight up suicide)and one wonders why he culled that particular case-more likely picked for him by Licht or some other puppeteer.I think because he got to inject kids into the story although they were never the targets and IIRC the shooter used a revolver,not a high capacity semi auto.The fatal shot was fired in the shooters house after he was punched out by a larger man.If he hadn’t chased the victim out,he might have been acquitted.The Governor seems visibly unstable and probably unfit to own a firearm.none of the officials wanted to hghlight the AWB of you noticed.

11 years ago

Just one quick question, how many people have been killed in RI from legally-obtained “assault weapons” over the last few years?

11 years ago

“…shall not be infringed.”
Words have meanings.

11 years ago

“…shall not be infringed.”
Helen… you must be referring to the former US of A.(pre 2009) This is the Brave New World where unelected justices tell the populace what is good for them. The rule of law and votes be damned. Elitists run the show now and robed Darth Vaders rule from on high. Whoda thunk you would pay a tax (penalty) for NOT buying something? (FlunkyCare). The big brother future is here. Drones in the sky, huge ammo and armored car purchases, gun control, redefining of marriage, outlawing large soft drinks and 100 watt bulbs, 16,000 new IRS agents, $3.50 gal gas and record poverty levels…..and Hussein still has 4 more years! Amerika …we hardly knew ya.

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
11 years ago

Joe, Anthony, like everyone, I suppose I do not oppose keeping guns out of the hands of the true “crazies”. I am mindful that there is no Constitutional requisite in that regard, but common sense must prevail. Nevertheless. we must proceed cautiously.
Still, I am concerned about another large database of lawful citizens and the uses that might be made of it. I think of it as a “privacy” issue. Why do we need a database of citizens behaving lawfully? What criteria will be used to determine who gets a license? How will it be determined who is “mentally unstable”? Does this require access to medical records? Will medical records include a notation “crazy, not suitable for gun ownership”? Perhaps I am one of those “crazies”. Ah well, it is Spring and I am having those genetic fantasies again about turning my tanks towards Moscow.

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
11 years ago

(5) Provided, however, that such term does not include:
(i) Any rifle…that:
(A) Is manually operated by bolt, pump, lever or slide action;
Has anyone else seen a rerun of Chuck Conners in “The Rifleman” lately? I suppose he was OK, because his Winchester didn’t have a “detachable magazine”.
What are we going to do about those people supposedly turning out Glocks on 3-D printers?
(iv) Any firearm, rifle, or shotgun that was manufactured prior to July 1, 1963
I noted in a news article that is it “legal” to own a mini-gun manufactured before that date. Remember those? They gave a whole new meaning to “Puff, the magic dragon”.
Sorry about all of these posts. Once again, I am unable to constrain the impetuosity of my thoughts.

11 years ago

“Why do we need a database of citizens behaving lawfully? ‘
So big brother can come for you and your family Warrington. It’s very simple isn’t it?

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
11 years ago

A gun registry is more dangerous than any AWB-the end game of Obama is total confiscation of firearms in private hands.I don’t think the liberals have any clue about what they may set off-or perhaps some do,since the registry idea didn’t come up-YET.Paiva-Weed always got good NRA ratings and she turned traitor-time to kick Bucky Beaver out on her ass

11 years ago

Interesting the wording of the new gun “control” legislation here in RI. It appears to be gun control when what is needed is people control. Specifically, criminal people control. I do not believe that this new political knee jerk will do anything to address the true issue but will likely, and in true RI fashion, address a symptom. Ah RI!

11 years ago

Interesting the wording of the new gun “control” legislation here in RI. It appears to be gun control when what is needed is people control. Specifically, criminal people control. I do not believe that this new political knee jerk will do anything to address the true issue but will likely, and in true RI fashion, address a symptom. Ah RI!

11 years ago

I read recent fed stats that nationwide less than 500 people have been killed by rifles of any kind in the last few years, never mind the dreaded pants wetting “assault weapon”. 90 million guns in USA, less than 500 dead from rifles of any kind.
Another gun law written by someone who has never touched a gun outside of a laser tag arena. I love the addition of the “grenade launcher” as a prohibited item. Wow. These are adults writing this, right? No line item against mega damage power ups? Even if supplied by a mushroom toting plumber?

11 years ago

The ‘assault’ weapon moniker is a fabrication leveraged by uneducated people to foment fear. Catchy, yes. Accurate, no. An M16/M4 or a civilianized AR 15 is not an assault weapon unless it is used to assault. So were the stabbing victims in TX stabbed by an assault knife? Or the hit and run victim killed by an assault car? The problem is not the weapon, it is the weapon in the hands of an idiot or a psychopath. Why is our political leadership trying to limit access to law abiding citizens and not limiting access to those who have demonstrated unfitness? Answer, because that would be hard. Time to get rid of the current crop of professional politicians and put in citizen politicians with common sense.

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