New England progressives are schizophrenic when it comes to Asians.

I’ll admit that WBUR’s tweet calling the campaign for mayor of Boston on Tuesday caught my eye for reasons of humorous wordplay:

RACE CALL: Michelle Wu (@wutrain) makes history, as the first woman and person of color elected to lead the city of Boston.

Get it? What excites them is, in large part, her race, and they (probably inadvertently) start their tweet pronouncing an all-caps: “RACE CALL.”  Gotta love Freudian puns.

But as I’ve seen local progressives look to Wu’s success for consolation against their party’s much-more-consequential failures elsewhere, the cognitive dissonance of it all keeps striking me.  After all, Boston and Cambridge, the home of Harvard University, pretty much blend together, and a lawsuit that Harvard violates the Constitution by overtly discriminating against Asian applicants has now approached the U.S. Supreme Court.  Note that the question isn’t whether Harvard discriminates against them, but whether it is legal for it to do so.

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