Let Them Buy Hybrid Vans

In his NRO column, this week Mark Steyn mentions President Obama’s response to an audience having to do with lowering the price of gasoline:

He was asked a question by a citizen of the United States. The cost of a gallon of gas has doubled on Obama’s watch, and this gentleman asked, “Is there a chance of the price being lowered again?”
As the Associated Press reported it, the president responded “laughingly”: “I know some of these big guys, they’re all still driving their big SUVs. You know, they got their big monster trucks and everything. . . . If you’re complaining about the price of gas and you’re only getting eight miles a gallon — (laughter) . . . ”
That’s how the official White House transcript reported it: Laughter. Big yuks. “So, like I said, if you’re getting eight miles a gallon you may want to think about a trade-in. You can get a great deal.”

Glenn Reynolds has noted that the Associated Press has still scrubbed the exchange from the record. Luckily, one can find the video on YouTube, and even cue right up to the question, as I’ve done in the following embed:

What’s interesting is that the president visibly forces himself to step back in his commentary when he goes on:

Obama: You may have a big family, but it’s probably not that big, so… How many you have, ten kids, you say? Ten kids? [Pause for a stunned expression and probably a bit of lip biting.] Well, you definitely need a hybrid van, then.

No doubt, even folks who disagree with President Obama on just about everything would pull back from endorsing a ten-child family unless the parents can afford it. But that’s pretty much the point: Doubling the fuel bill on the car by which the large family gets around reduces affordability. Moreover, it reduces affordability for a family already in particular circumstances, and it’s not inconceivable that the family size resulted from adoptions meant to rescue the children from worse.
To declare that the father should spring for a large, expensive hybrid vehicle is to skirt the question, to put the blame for difficulties on the asker, and to impose government priorities on a highly diverse population — diverse not only in the liberal meaning of multiracial, but in the more significant (more conservative) meaning of varying circumstances and priorities.

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joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Obama’s been taken care of his whole miserable life.
He wasn’t filthy rich like Chafee,Kennedy,or Whitehouse,but he was coddled and protected and he doesn’t know what a hard day is.
Nor do some local fools posing as “experts”like Asen and Jerzyk.
Bunch of coddled eggs.
This president is an arrogant,empty suit fool.Lazy as hell too.Always on vacation,or golfing,or sucking down a cocktail.

13 years ago

What a hip president.

Justin Katz
Justin Katz
13 years ago

Or a shoot-from-the-hip president…

13 years ago

Completely missing from this response is any sort of helpful suggestion for those of us who
1) cannot afford to trade in or
2) are alREADY getting good gas mileage.

13 years ago

Just wondering what happened to that “I am suffering too” post from last night?

13 years ago

The reason that gas prices are so high is because Bush is buddy-buddy with all the executives in the oil business. Bush was an oilman before he became president so he’s paying back favors to all his oil friends who helped him gain the presidency.
Wait, what? Bush isn’t president anymore? Hmm, then I have no idea why the price of gas is so high.
Sure makes the left look pretty dumb with their old “Bush the oilman” rants of 6 or so years ago.

13 years ago

Yup, he definitely screwed up there. Not every family is going to fit into a 4-seat hybrid.
But somehow I doubt that high fuel prices are the *one thing* breaking the bank on a family of 10 kids and what I can only assume includes 2 adults. Please.
We also still pay some of the lowest gasoline prices in the world. Complain about out high corporate taxes, you have a leg to stand on. Complain about our poor public school performance, you have two legs to stand on. Complain about THIS though?:
And I’ll remind you that the vast majority of democratic industrialized nations pay twice if not three times the price we pay for a gallon of gas.
Maybe we need to implement “No Gallon Left Behind”, and get us up-to-speed with the rest of the world 😉

13 years ago

Oh, and just to respond to what Patrick typed as I was writing: I’ll be glad to personally speak to any liberal you know who really thinks that the reason gas prices have ever been high has had *anything* to do with a President’s connection to big oil.
The price of gas is high because it’s a commodity subject to the forces of supply and demand — and because a large portion of it comes from very volatile parts of the world. The U.S., with all its vaunted wealth and power, does not control the price of gas — OPEC does, and these days, they *barely* do at that.

13 years ago

Obama as a baby, young child and later in life as a teenager grew up in rented apartments. I believe he is the first President of the United States to do so. He certainly knows what it is like to grow up on the not so elite side of the railroad tracks even though his grandmother and grandfather who raised him after his mother and father died managed somehow to send him to the exclusive private Punahou School in Honolulu. As Justin inferred he might be a shoot-from-the-hip president. First Lady Michelle Obama is quoted saying; “You can’t really understand Barack until you first understand Hawaii.” We who live in Hawaii can almost read Obama like a book because he was raised with Hawaiian values and the State Constitutional mandate of Aloha. As far as gasoline prices are concerned, President Obama has nothing to do with the increase in price of gasoline. It’s all pure speculation of the Wall Street and world investors which is no one person controls. In Hawaii the prices are already nearing the $5 per gallon mark and we are proud of it! Meaning the state alternate energy initiative (reduce imported oil 70% by year 2030) is getting a boost to drive the creation of alternate energy state-wide infrastructure to support alternate energy vehicles powered by hybrid, all electric and hydrogen fuel-cell energy. Automobile manufacturers are already shipping alternate energy vehicles to Hawaii and with the combined state and federal $12,000 rebate off MSRP price plus an additional $500 for all electric home charging station we are chomping at the bits to get back to paying approximately 20 cents per gallon mileage depending on the make, model and alternate energy power of the vehicle. We have one of the best public transit system in America ranked… Read more »

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
13 years ago

I liked the part about “we didn’t do it with a law, we got the labor unions, manufacturers and evironementalists to agree”
As far the labor unions and manufacturers go, I think it is fair to say that the government had them by the throat at the time. It was “agree”, or go out of business.

13 years ago

“Wait, what? Bush isn’t president anymore? Hmm, then I have no idea why the price of gas is so high.”
Duh, Patrick! Bush still controls the price of gas via the Halliburton Oil Futures Manipulator Machine.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Ken-Reagan grew up in a working class environment in DixonIL.
Ever been there?
I have and it’s not Hyannis.And it’s not Hawaii.
In any event I wasn’t referring to Obama’s economic background,but his socialization.
In spite of the fact that his father was a piece of crap who abandoned him(there is never an excuse to abandon your child)and his mother was a hate-America White guilt burdened perpetual student,his grandparents(who were in the banking business and didn’t exactly live in a tenement)made sure barry got cared for and attended a top notch school.
His first experiece with hard decision making that had real consequences is as President.And it shows.
BTW Nixon grew up in modest surroundings as did Eisenhower.
How about Truman?
Gerald Ford?
Get your facts straight.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
13 years ago

Typcical clueless marxist. No wonder he and Chafee are so fond of each other.

Wacky Hermit
Wacky Hermit
13 years ago

The thing that got me about President Obama’s answer to the man with 10 kids is that it was very clear he had never even conceived of the idea that it might be possible for a person to have a real need for a vehicle that large and inefficient up until that moment, and even when the thought first came into his head, he was having trouble wrapping his head around the fact that he was meeting somebody who didn’t conform to his expectation. Everyone who knows a large family like that has at least a vague idea of the logistical challenges they face getting kids to church or school, and what kind of vehicle that might require. Obama had no clue, and while to his credit he figured it out on the spot, it does him no credit to never have conceived of it in the first place. Families that large are not the norm, but they are common enough that even if you don’t know one personally you’re sure to have seen one in a book or movie or on the news, and done the passenger seating math.

13 years ago

It’s a good thing Hawaii has that wonderful transit system because the roads suck. I once spent 4 hours trying to get from Point A to Point B on Maui. Traffic was immobilized due to a fire.
We finally gave up and got off the road and were lucky enough to find a hotel room with one bed. After renting 4 cots we were all able to sleep after a fashion.
What happens when a major disaster requires the mass evacuation of the residents, when there is only one road? And that one inadequate?
I also resent the fact that certain citizens, specifically native Hawaians, have certain rights that other citizens don’t have. The same principle as segregation Certain

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
13 years ago

In Hawaii the prices are already nearing the $5 per gallon mark and we are proud of it!
Posted by Ken at April 9, 2011 8:32 PM
Rich leftists like you are maybe “proud”. How about working people who have to drive to work everyday and don’t own a house free and clear-how “proud” are they?
More importantly, how proud is Real America going to be to pay $5 a gallon gas?
Progressive politicians may find out in November of next year.

13 years ago

hybrid’s don’t save money. not even on gas, in any meaningful way.

Buck O'Fama
Buck O'Fama
13 years ago

Obama must know my brother-in-law who thinks oil companies drilling for oil is some kind of scam. What does my brother-in-law do for a living, you might ask? Why, he’s a lawyer. Yeah, I thought it was funny too.

13 years ago

RNC’d better save that Youtube video. Google owns Youtube, Obama owns Google. The segment will be scrubbed soon.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Ken-saving the best for last-how about Bill Clinton?
He grew up in a trailer trash family-his mother slept around;his father booked early on;his brother was a druggie.great f**kin’ early life he had.
Now,I don’t like the guy,but to give the devil his due,he made it to being a Rhodes scholar on his own;he was an AG,a Congressman,and a Governor.
THEN he became President-and no one gave him a phony Nobel prize as a housewarming gift like this punk got.
Barry wouldn’t make a pimple on Clinton’s ass for competence.
Clinton’s personal weaknesses kept him from his potential.

13 years ago

I don’t see what is offensive about this video. Obama is not responsible for the current gasoline prices. He is suggesting that we need to prepare for a future of dealing with a finite supply of fuel and rising cost. Moving to electric and gasoline fuel efficient vehicles is the goal. How is this not a conservative plan for us to continue to enjoy the freedoms associated with our personal expression regarding transportation? I am like most of you spending more at the pump for my pick up truck and for fuel for my boats. I would be in a worse situation with one of my work boats if the outboard manufactures had not greatly improved the fuel efficiency of its motors. The cost of these new models were high but the saving over the years have balanced out that initial price. And the reduced pollution of the traditional two stroke engines has been a plus also. This is the direction we must take.

13 years ago

Phil is right in that Obama is not at all responsible for the price of gasoline. Of course, I am pretty confident that is a Republican President was in the exact same circumstances and responded in the same way, that Phil would have a different reaction – something along the lines of ‘profits for big oil companies while hurting the middle class’.

13 years ago

joe Bernstein, I was just pointing out that Obama grew up not in elite neighborhoods and his family never owned a house or condominium but rented either 2-bedroom cottages or apartments nowhere near the luxurious tourist section Waikiki Beach. Miriam, The Island of Maui does not make up the 8 Hawaiian Islands. Maui is rural and agricultural but Condé Nast Traveler Reader’s Poll has voted Maui Best Island in the World 16 years and Best Pacific Island 17 years causing a lot of movie, TV, stage and music artists to purchase second homes there. On all Hawaiian Islands no paved road or highway goes completely around the perimeter of any of the islands. However there are unpaved roads that locals can take if they are driving a 4-wheel drive. Rental car agencies restrict tourists to driving on paved roads only. Maui does have a public transit system but it is not like the transit system on Oahu which was ranked best in nation twice. Since I’ve been living in Hawaii we’ve had two tsunamis. Evacuation is very orderly even moving the tourist out of potential harm’s way. One thing Hawaii does that Rhode Island does not do is print complete Disaster Preparedness and Evacuation instructions including inundation zones and shelter locations in the first 50 pages of the telephone books. Right now the 1.4 million state population plus 100,000 plus tourists clear all island evacuation zones within 5 hrs. Hawaii Civil Defense would like to get that down to 3 hrs. The plantation owners with the help of the United State Marine Corps. forcefully overthrew the sovereign nation and monarchy of Hawaii locking the queen up until she abdicated the kingdom to prevent bloodshed. The United States does not recognize native Hawaiians like native Indians and eskimos. When the United… Read more »

David S
David S
13 years ago

I have owned and driven big trucks because I have to. Some of you people though– I don’t get it. You drive your little children around in these mammoth ridiculous ugly excuses for a car… that should be your problem… but you want to escape responsibility. Republicans……… can’t trust them.

13 years ago

msteven Phil is right in that Obama is not at all responsible for the price of gasoline. Of course, I am pretty confident that is a Republican President was in the exact same circumstances and responded in the same way, that Phil would have a different reaction – something along the lines of ‘profits for big oil companies while hurting the middle class’. Posted by msteven at April 10, 2011 7:12 PM you can assume anything about me that you wish. Here’s something interesting from the Library of Congress: Tax Preferences for Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs): Current Law and Legislative Initiatives in the 109th Congress Summary The surge in domestic popularity of large sport utility vehicles (SUVs) since the early 1990s has stirred a debate over what steps the federal government should take, if any, to mitigate their effects on the environment, highway safety, traffic congestion, and U.S. dependence on foreign sources of oil. Legislative activity in the 108th Congress expanded the scope of the debate to include the ways in which the federal tax code encourages the purchase of heavy-duty SUVs, primarily for business use. In May 2003, Congress passed a measure (the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003) that raised the maximum expensing allowance under section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) for these vehicles to $100,000 from May 2003 through the end of 2005; the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 lowered the allowance to $25,000, as of October 22, 2004. This report examines current federal tax preferences for SUVs and legislation in the 109th Congress that would alter them. It will be updated to reflect subsequent legislative activity addressing the preferences. One way in which the federal tax code can influence the purchase of heavy-duty SUVs for business use is through the… Read more »

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Ken-And all I was saying is that Obama doesn’t hold the patent on having a hard early life compared to some other Presidents.
He is clearly the most inexperienced man to become President in modern memory.
As far as I know he never went to a public school.
I knew when I saw the whole fuss being made over him after the election that the country was in for a letdown.
Hillary Clinton is just as bad theory-wise,but she’s a smoother operator with more savvy in backroom negotiations.
F**k ’em both anyhow.
Hopefully the Republicans won’t pick some nitwit like Sharron Angle to run.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

David S-In New England all wheel drive makes sense given our weather,but it’s not the most economical type of vehicle.
I have a small SUV,but I also have a 12 year old 6 cylinder car that gets great mileage.You gotta maintain a vehicle-it’s that simple.
And really,do you believe only Republicans drive around in big cars,SUV’s,etc?I notice plenty of liberal bumper stickers on BIG clunkers.
Just check out the East Side-home of the limousine liberals-they didn’t get that tag for nothing.
You aren’t going to see that prick Sheldon in a little sh*tbox.

13 years ago

joe Bernstein, Obama did not attend public school in Hawaii but attended the very prestigious Private Punahou School K to 12. He did attend public school, the Basuki Elementary School, in Jakarta, Indonesia from 1969 to 1971 while living with his mother and stepfather. Obama’s first dumb move was to run for president with the country in the meltdown state it was in. The Democratic Party should have left the state of the nation to the Republican Party. Obama’s second dumb move was to try and bring Hawaiian values and Aloha which he was raised on to the mainland. Just doesn’t work. Its dog eat dog especially in Washington, DC. I spent over a year living in Washington temporally attached to Defense Information Systems Agency. Homeland Security HQ is now located in my old Naval Command HQ which I spent many days walking the hallways as a civilian specialist. Obama’s third dumb move was early on to report he was going to be a one term president and now he’s going to run for reelection. As far as fuel efficiency is concerned, I use to drive in RI 4-cylinder Subaru 4-wheel drive cars till I switched to Jeep Grand Cherokee with 6-cylinder for more stability during winters and more camper towing power for summer. Light crude oil is trading at $113 per barrel and Brent crude oil is trading at $126.12 per barrel as of today. Over the long term most of us watching the market expect oil to hit $200 per barrel. The rise in oil prices have not been fully passed on by the oil refineries to the consumer as of yet. Hawaii already has regular gasoline priced at $4.76 per gallon (my bank gives discount cards you can swipe at the pump lowering per gallon cost plus… Read more »

13 years ago

Tommy Cranston, You have no idea and don’t know if I am Rich left, Rich Right, Rich Middle, Republican, Democrat, Tea Party, Middle Class or Poor but I’ll tell you one thing, I did my time working various jobs over 40 years in RI, homework, invested in my own retirement and health care taking charge of my life, future and I was able to retired early! I paid off my RI house mortgage, built up equity and sold my house at the peak of the housing boom (got my asking price and extra) just before the market crash. Retired to HI and paid cash for my 24/7 gated/guarded condominium on a private road in between walking distance to two professional 18-hole golf courses, 2-heated adult only swimming pools, 2-heated children swimming pools, 2-Jacuzzi whirlpools, tennis, basketball courts and private putting green with beach and ocean sunset views from living and dining rooms, 300-400 ft. waterfall views from bedrooms, average year-round daily temperature 78 degrees, no humidity, sunny; cheaper than living in Woonsocket, RI and property taxes are only $300 a year because state and city believes in helping and respecting senior citizens (age 50 and up) with added bonus of retirement income totally exempted from HI state income tax, no property tax on cars, trucks, motorcycles and boats; sales tax at 4.5%. Living in HI doesn’t automatically mean the person is rich! HI happens to be one of the top 10 states to retire to base on taxes per Kiplenger.com. Yes every week in the newspaper over 11 residences are listed sold for over $1 million and up. Yes we have a current residential property for sale for $80 million, 2 bed room condominiums asking price $20 million and HI is listed as the state with the most millionaires living… Read more »

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Ken-someone here brought up the issue of preferences for native born Hawaiins-what’s up with that?
I know of no other state that does it.
Native American sovereignty on reservations is altogether different-the result of treaties.And those reservations are nothing to write home about.
Do you have masses of illegal aliens accessing benefits and health care in Hawaii?
I know INS had a district office there,but I think the agents dealt mainly with criminal aliens.
It takes a few bucks to get to Hawaii while you can get on the Peter Pan bus in NY or the “Chinatown” bus for very little and come to RI where Kate Brewster will get you right on the parasite list for benefits.
Or,if not her,Kate Brock.(something about the name Kate,hmmm?)
You have expostulated about Hawaii more than James Michener but you overlook the inapplicability of the island lifestyle to the continental US and the system of legalized discrimination.
Oh yeah,how did Barry attend that school if he’s not at least part native Hawaiian?
BTW when Barry first got in,he tried to f**k the veterans receiving VA healthcare-he backed down fast when the major veterans organizations confronted him at the White House-as usual his cojones deserted him,but it doesn’t alter his nefarious intentions.
governor Gump will wind up backing down on the Bristol home.
I still think recall could be based on his tax cheating with regard to the 11 vehicles and his real estate tax scam.
How does one “live” in Providence and vote in Warwick?
The guy likes to impersonaate Mr.Clean,but like many other filthy rich trust fund scum,he thinks he’s above it.
I don’t think even Sheldon pulls that crap.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
13 years ago

we in HI are proud of our gasoline prices now nearing the $5 mark (actually $4.76 for regular); I hope it hits $6 before all is said and done and these prices migrate onto the mainland and all other 49 states.
Posted by Ken at April 11, 2011 2:13 AM
Make no mistake about it: those of us on the Right want $6 a gallon gas as soon as possible. Hyper inflation and a double dip just in time for the doomed re election campaign of Barry Sotero, graduate of one of Indonesia’s finest madrasses.
1/20/13 End Of An error

13 years ago

Why is it David S’s or anyone’s business what a citizen buys and drives with his own money? If someone feels he needs an SUV and pays for it all himself, what gives the Leftists the “right” to limit his choice?
David’s post is a perfect example of the Leftist attitude: If I don’t want something, I want to prevent anyone else from having it.
How does that differ from the attitude of a Kadhafi, a Lenin, or you-know-how-with-the-square mustache?

13 years ago

Phil, … and your point is that the cause of all this gas utilization and gas-hog vehicles are laws by Republicans. The Democrats have been working OT to override this travesty and no Democrat owns an SUV (unless they are forced to by evil big business). It’s all the Republicans fault.
You’re as fair and reasoned as Rush or Michael Moore.

13 years ago

I’m scratching my head as to where in my comments you are seeing anything other than comments about gasoline prices and vehicle fuel efficiency. I have not mentioned either major political party. I have at times given you credit for your independent ideas expressed in your comments here and it is perplexing to me that you should react in a way that I associate with some of the closed minds that can only separate the world into halves. I wouldn’t have put you into that category. But if you are moved by your dislike of my comments or me to see what is not there,then there is not much for me to do.

13 years ago

Let’s go back to the beginning.
“I don’t see what is offensive about this video. Obama is not responsible for the current gasoline prices. He is suggesting that we need to prepare for a future of dealing with a finite supply of fuel and rising cost.”
It reminded me of how there was all this angst over the “record profits” by the oil companies under Bush’s watch and this was of course due to his policies of big business over consumers. But oil companies are now making more profits (the profit margin % is table but higher oil process mean higher $ profits) the same people aren’t blaming the President of the United States. We agree that Obama has no control over gas prices. Neither did the previous Administration.
My reaction was believing you would not have said the same thing if the person on the video anyone on the conservative side. I base this on your previous comments. If I am incorrect and you are not one of those who separate the world into halves based on political affiliation, then I apologize for my initial reaction.
I appreciate your credit for my ‘independent’ ideas.

13 years ago

“I base this on your previous comments.”
Fair enough. I look forward to you pointing out the times when I am in error.

13 years ago

joe Bernstein, There is only about 1% of the estimated 300,000 true 100% native Hawaiian blood line left in Hawaii. Most of them live on the restricted access Island of Niihau which is part of Kauai County. Hawaii was discovered in 1778 by Captain James Cook followed by New England whalers, traders and American missionaries. Hawaiians had no natural immunities to the diseases introduced by the outsiders so the population decimated to about 50,000 by early 1800s. In 1887 the Hawaiian monarchy was overthrown by the wealthy sugar plantation owners with the help of the U.S. Marines. The queen was locked up under house arrest in the royal palace till she abdicated the monarchy to prevent further bloodshed. Former President Bill Clinton wrote a formal letter of apology to the people of Hawaii for the United States of America’s role in the overthrow of the world recognized Hawaiian sovereign kingdom. However the U.S. government still does not at this time recognize native Hawaiian as indigenous people like it does with American Indians and Eskimos. Hawaii still maintains the palace (which had electricity and flush toilets before the White House did) and the palace grounds but there is one plot of land that was never transferred to the territory of Hawaii meaning the Kingdom of Hawaii still exists with the kingdom flag flying over it. The royal family is still recognized and the living royal princess attends to the affairs of state. The rest of the people living in Hawaii are a mixture of blood lines some of which can be traced to over 15 ethnic origins and are referred to as Kama’aina loosely translated to a person that has lived in Hawaii a long time. Some of these blood mixes have produced some fantastic beautiful graceful women! U.S. Census Bureau… Read more »

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Sometimes I think Hawaii needs to hire you to write the official state guidebook or something.
What I got from your encyclopedic answer is that you have sort of a unique situation there.Maybe it isn’t atypical of island nations not situated close to a mainland.
The point is that RI is a wide spot on a busy road(s)so we have a whole different set of problems.

13 years ago

joe bernstein, Not writing any books! You are the 10th person trying to lead down that path; I’m retired! I’ve been visiting Hawaii since 1968 when I was in the military. I’ve vacationed on all the islands over 5 years to see which one was best for the retirement life style that I enjoy. Yes Hawaii is very unique; like no other place in the world and the local customs, Hawaii Regional Cuisine (local grown eat local), social manners, politeness grows on you. Some say it’s like stepping back into the 1950s when family life was central theme. You can’t compare lower 48 states to life style in Hawaii just as I say you can’t take Hawaii life style and import it to the lower 48 state. When you step off the plane you’ll hear that you are now on Hawaiian time meaning slow down; we’ll get to it in time! Luggage normally takes 30 min to appear at baggage claim. People let you cut in front of them, pull out into traffic, stop for pedestrians in crosswalks and wave to you from their cars. Honking a car horn is considered rude, impolite and frowned upon. No Cranston salutes here! After living most all my life in RI life just became too expensive and stressful living in RI even with no mortgage or car payments so I fulfilled my wife’s dream to live in Hawaii before she died. She died a happy woman! Even though Hawaii is called paradise and has one island, the Island of Maui ¾ size of RI, Condé Nast Traveler’s Annual Readers Poll has voted “Best Island in the World” 17 years and “Best Pacific Island” 16 years, Hawaii is the U.S.A.’s forward ears and eyes of the military deterrent in the Pacific. Hawaii is ranked… Read more »

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