Biden Gaffes Again

This should be an interesting weekend in football as we’re down to the final four teams trying to become NFL champions. The Patriots will play the Baltimore Ravens and the New York Giants will take on the San Francisco 49ers.
However, yesterday at a campaign fundraiser in San Francisco, Vice President Joe Biden didn’t make the local sports fan attendees too happy. After paying who knows how many thousands of dollars for their chicken cordon bleu and to listen to the VP’s speech, the donors got to hear Biden announce

The Giants are going to the Super Bowl!

Ok, that’s great, but Joe, you’re in San Francisco and the Giants are playing against the San Francisco team, so that’s probably not too wise a call.
Oh, he later claimed he simply got the teams mixed up and he was thinking of the San Francisco Giants. The team that plays baseball. Ok, so that makes it all better that the baseball team is going to the Super Bowl. Gotcha.

And by the way Joe, you’re from Delaware, right? I wonder what all of your constituents think of your support for a team other than the Baltimore Ravens. That can’t be sitting too well with the locals back home.

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Sammy in Arizona
Sammy in Arizona
12 years ago


Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
12 years ago

Time to ban Sammy the Troll. Not only do we have to waste our time on him but now
Give him the hook. Please.

12 years ago

Tommy, first, Justin makes those decisions and second, I kinda like letting trolls do their thing. Sure, it detracts some but it also kills any credibility if they ever need it for future discussions. Plus, I don’t want to martyr someone over them being a troll.

the real deal
the real deal
12 years ago

Tommy don’t you think that many people find you revolting with you homophobia and racist rantings. This site has becoem a sad place with fewer and fewer peol commenting likely due to the nasty rants of tommy c.

12 years ago

I just hope Sammy the Troll is getting paid by the Democratic Party or Obama Campaign to make these posts. If he posts his irrelevant troll comments on his own time, then that is too sad for words. Staffers are paid decent money to do what he does.

Max D
Max D
12 years ago

Sammy the troll strikes again. How about he signed up for a ‘Life Membership.’ It’s a membership level. He never said, “I’M A LIFE LONG MEMBER OF THE NRA.” I’m shocked you would bring it up at all given his left of center view on guns. He’s pretty much supported every attack on the 2nd Amendment you left wing moonbats have brought. If you can’t at least be truthful, get back under your bridge.

12 years ago

“you’re in San Francisco and the Giants are playing against the San Francisco team, so that’s probably not too wise a call.”
Now, does that nice Manny Ortez play for the Giants …?
Senator John K.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
12 years ago

“Tommy don’t you think that many people find you revolting with you homophobia and racist rantings.”
I say things that the majority or close to a majority of Americans believe and I am ALWAYS on-topic, unlike Sammy The Troll.
The fact that American progressives consider homosexual marriage something other than ghoulish and freakish insanity is a only a sign of how out of touch the 21st century American left is. Other cultures, whether Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Shinto, Zoroastrian, Muslim, animist, pagan reject it.
Even atheist left Cuba-“Article 36 of the Constitution of Cuba defines marriage as ‘the voluntarily established union between a man and a woman’, Under Article 2 of the Family Code, marriage is restricted to the union of a man and a woman”.
Quite frankly it is you self-genocidal white losers that are in the SMALL minority of the planet on this issue.

Jim Jebow
Jim Jebow
12 years ago

Justin wouldn’t ban Tommy Cranston, he agrees with > 90% of what he says.

Justin Katz
12 years ago

That may be how you operate, JJ, but it isn’t the case with me.
Even if we accept your percentage, the question becomes which 10% I disagree with, or rather, how you gauge agreement — by issue, by degree, or by actual, you know, assent to a statement.
For instance, I strongly disagree with the assertion that same-sex marriage can fairly be characterized as “ghoulish and freakish insanity.” I think SSM is indicative of mistaken personal priorities placed within a confused culture. So, I agree that same-sex relationships should not qualify for the institution of marriage, but not with the offensive reasoning.
Indeed, if decisions about banning commenters were made for political reasons, Tommy would be high on my list, considering the difficulty that he creates for me and others in making a less extreme, more intellectually nuanced case.

12 years ago

Indeed, if decisions about banning were made for political reasons, Tommy would be high on my list, considering the difficulty that he creates for me and others in making a less extreme, more nuanced case.
Posted by Justin Katz at January 20, 2012 9:17 PM
This same argument was made by the Government of Rwanda to the world community in the 90’s.

12 years ago

Tommy would be my number one choice for banning if I supported such practices, even above Sammy the Troll, Russ the Spammer, or OTL the Irrelevant.
I spend a large portion of my political discussions simply trying to explain to people that fiscal conservativism has nothing to do with racism and homophobia. I usually make good headway, because it’s not difficult intellectually to understand, but hours of hard work are undone the moment somebody like Tommy posts some crap online about Obama being a half-white skunk or gays deserving the death penalty. The saddest part is he makes a lot of sense when he sticks to economic issues.

don roach
don roach
12 years ago

Patrick, deleware is a Philly Eagles country up north and then probably split 50/50 between the ravens and redskins in the south. That Biden supports the Giants would get him no points with anyone in the state.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
12 years ago

The saddest part is he makes a lot of sense when he sticks to economic issues.
Posted by Dan at January 21, 2012 12:19 AM
Actually Dan I also make a lot of sense when talking about non-economic issues!
For the record I never said sodomites were “deserving the death penalty” as your post states. I accept your apology.
Apparently pointing out the various punishments which other countries meet out to these sex offenders equals advocacy on your part.
Americans fail to realize that our tolerance, promotion even, of this sickness causes as much revulsion and hate all over much of the planet as American progressives would feel if Canada say re-legalized African slavery.
That’s just the facts, not advocacy.
Hey, if Castro, the Muslim and Hindu worlds, Africa, the Pope, Communist China, N. Korea , Vietnam and Laos can all agree with the me (Harold Metts and Teresa Weed)that marriage is between men and women then just maybe Dan it is YOU who are not “making sense” on this issue.
Just saying.

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