In Depth

Countering the Intolerance of Left-Wing Secular Fundamentalists

By | June 26, 2005 |

Hugh Hewitt has written an important article entitled Real Religious Intolerance. In the article, he provides a speech by American Roman Catholic Archbishop Chaput that is worthy of reading in full: The Los Angeles Weekly’s “The New Blacklist” is author Douglas Ireland’s attempt to equate consumer boycotts of gay-themed entertainment sponsors with McCarthyism. That’s a…

Rediscovering Proper Judicial Reasoning

By | June 25, 2005 |

The public debate about proper judicial reasoning is often so ill-informed because the focus is only on short-term partisan agendas, a bad habit which damages the fabric of our society and respect for the rule of law. Into that morass and using the recent Supreme Court decision on medical marijuana use in California, Charles Krauthammer…

2006 Election Year Targets: Heave Ho, They Must Go

By | June 24, 2005 |

Here is the Hall of Shame showing who voted for the childcare unionization bill. We will never forget. They all deserve to be defeated in 2006. For the full story on the childcare unionization bill and political dynamics, read this posting.

Rhode Island Unions Again Resist True Pension Reform

By | June 24, 2005 | Comments Off on Rhode Island Unions Again Resist True Pension Reform

Marc rightfully noted the good news on pension reform passed earlier this week, followed by a word of caution. The caution flags are now out in full force because the week wasn’t even over before the unions of Rhode Island were out attacking the pension changes passed in the State House: Unions representing state employees…

Turning Discord into Harmony

By Justin Katz | June 23, 2005 | Comments Off on Turning Discord into Harmony

My latest column, “Juggling Spheres in the Marriage Debate,” begins with activists’ invasion of Notre Dame Cathedral and makes its way to suggestions for resolving the current impasse in the same-sex marriage battle.

Be Watchful

By Marc Comtois | June 23, 2005 |

In my last post on the apparent passage of the 2006 RI State Budget in which Gov. Carcieri won important concessions, such as reducing pension benefits for state workers, I commented . . .now is no time to let up. This is just the first battle and there is no guarantee that it has actually…

Now Here is a Good Idea

By | June 22, 2005 | Comments Off on Now Here is a Good Idea

This article, entitled California Union Blues: The Golden State’s unions fight to keep their members from controlling their own money, informs us about an issue that often gets limited public scrutiny: The leadership of California’s largest public labor unions declared a crisis last week–and it had nothing to do with outsourcing, Enron, WorldCom, the minimum…

Making Headway Toward Fiscal Sanity

By Marc Comtois | June 22, 2005 |

At first glance, it would appear that there is good news coming out the State House today. Just before the stroke of midnight, a key House committee approved a new state budget that includes major cuts in public-employee pensions. The move is expected to save the state and local communities $44 million in the coming…

Risk Analysis

By Marc Comtois | June 22, 2005 | Comments Off on Risk Analysis

Anne Applebaum, writing about airport security, also touches on cost-benefit risk analysis. By their own account, federal screeners have intercepted “7 million prohibited items.” But of that number, only 600 were firearms. So, according to the calculations of economist Veronique de Rugy, 99.9 percent of intercepted items were nail scissors, cigarette lighters, penknives and the…

East Greenwich Fire District: Taking Some Heat From Residents

By | June 21, 2005 |

A previous posting identified some important questions in the new budget for the East Greenwich Fire District. The first news report on tonight’s annual financial meeting of the District is in from the ProJo and it sounds like it was an appropriately contentious meeting: The largest turnout of East Greenwich Fire District voters in years…